Moderne filosofihistorie


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Most recent activities

This group has existed under different names (incl. “Culture, society and politics” and “Modern European Philosophy”) for many years. Until 2022, it was led by Paola de Cuzzani.


1. Graduate conference: “Kant and German Idealism” (2023): Funding: Erasmus BIP

2. Workshop: “Kant’s Philosophy of Religion and History” (2023): Funding: Bergens Universitetsfond

3. Colloquium: “Critical Theories”. Funding: SPIRE 4. Series: “Hegel (anti)colonial” (2022/2024) Funding: Fof Smådrift / Meltzerfond

5. Symposium: “Rationality and Positive Political Roles for Emotions: Solidarity and Benevolence” (2022). Funding: Fof Smådrift

6. Conference: “National sovereignty and self-determination of peoples: International Law, normative Foundations Discourse” (2019). Funding: Rectorate of the University of Bergen

7. Workshop series: “Friendship: Concept, Theory and Normative Practice” (2017/18). Funding: DAAD/NFR (with Prof. Dr. phil. Jean-Christophe Merle, University of Vechta)