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External presentations

Discover the latest updates on CENTENOL’s external presentations here.


C.N.K. Franklin, “EU-Nordic Relations” (paper discussant), Nordic Association for European Studies, Inaugural Research Conference at University of South-Eastern Norway, Drammen, 1-2 November 2023

C.N.K. Franklin, “CENTENOL – Projects and Work Packages”, seminar for representatives of the University of Aberdeen, University of Bergen Rectorate, 10 November 2023

C.N.K. Franklin, “Free movement in the Nordic States – Plugging EU Citizenship Gaps in an EEA Context”, The EU as a Transformative Legal and Economic Order – Conference in the memory of Professor Ulf Bernitz, Swedish Network of European Legal Studies, Stockholm, 16-17 November 2023

C.N.K. Franklin, “The Unemployment Benefit Cases – Supplementary Assessments”, EFTA Court seminar, Luxembourg, 30 November 2023 

M.R. Hack, «Samspill mellom EU-/EØS-rett og norsk arbeidsrett – utvalgte eksempler», Seminar on EEA law, Norwegian Law Society & Norwegian Maritime Authority, Haugesund, 11 January 2024

C.N.K. Franklin, «EØS-rettslig metode: Forholdet mellom primær- og sekundærretten», Seminar on EEA law, Norwegian Law Society & Norwegian Maritime Authority, Haugesund, 11 January 2024

I.M.H. Barlund & H.H. Fredriksen, «Erfaringar med tilpasningstekstar og EØS-regelverk i praksis” , Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security (digital seminar), 24 February 2024

H.H. Fredriksen, «Retningslinjer, anbefalinger og lignende ikke-bindende EØS-rettslige instrumenter», Norwegian Association for European Law, Oslo, 13 March 2024

H.H. Fredriksen (with CENTENOL-partner Anne Elizabeth Stie), «30 år med EØS - status for Norges tilknytning til EU», Christie Conference 2024, Bergen, 23 April 2024

C.N.K. Franklin, “Om CENTENOL – prosjekter og problemstillinger”, EEA seminar, Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, Oslo, 7 May 2024

C.N.K. Franklin, «Hvordan påvirkes vi av det som bestemmes i Brussel, hvor mye bestemmer egentlig EU over oss?», Trainee seminar, Bergen Chamber of Commerce, 8 May 2024

I.M.H. Barlund, “EEA law in the current curriculum at the University of Bergen”, Annual EEA Forum Day hosted by EURNOR, University of Oslo, 22 May 2024

H.H. Fredriksen, “The Directive Beyond EU Citizenship: the case of the European Economic Area, 20 Years of Directive 2004/38/EC”, Workshop, Edinburgh Law School, 6-7 June 2024

H.H. Fredriksen, «Folketrygdloven sett i et EØS-perspektiv», Seminar, Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, Oslo