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Microplastics and Human Health: Sources, Exposure, and Impact

The Plastics Network, in collaboration with the Norwegian Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology (NSFT), Norwegian Institute for Water Research, and the Institute of Marine Research, are organizing the meeting "Microplastics and Human Health: Sources, Exposure, and Impact" on November 22nd in Bergen.

Flyer for the meeting naming the speakers and with logos of the organizers
University of Bergen


In collaboration with the Norwegian Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology (NSFT), the Plastics Network organizes the meeting “Microplastics and Human Health: Sources, Exposure, and Impact” November 22nd in Bergen.

Keynote speaker Dorte Herzke is a senior researcher at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. She has a long-standing experience in development of analytical methods for determination of persistent organic pollutants, microplastic, and additives in biological samples. She has substantial expertise in biomonitoring and human exposure to environmental contaminants, as well as conducting research on how contaminants in food, consumer products, air and the environment contribute to human exposure. Herzke has been coordinating national and international research projects as well as acting as an adviser to national authorities.

 Meet and greet, coffee
10.00-10.10 Welcome/Opening remarks, Margareth Hagen, Rector University of Bergen
10.10-10.50 Keynote: Analyses of micro- and nanoplastics and plastic chemicals in human samples – methods, challenges and way forward,  Dorte Herzke, Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI )
10.50-11.15 An update from PlasticsFatE – Screening MNPs for microbial contamination and in vivo studies, Øyvind Haugen, The National Institute of Occupational Health in Norway (STAMI )
11.15-11.25 Break
11.25-11.50 Charting Human Immune Responses to Micro and Nanoplastics: Findings from the Norwegian Football Field Study, Igor Snapkov, Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI)
11.50-12.15 Assessing toxicity of micro- and nanoplastics of environmentally-relevant polymers in airway- and lung epithelial cells, Irene Gosselink, Maastricht University
12.15-13.15 Lunch
13.20-13.45 The environmental impact of polymer plastics used in clinical dentistry, Asbjørn Jokstad, The Arctic University of Norway (UiT)
13.45-14.10 Plastic waste at The University Dental Clinic from an environmental perspective, Margit Hågå, The Arctic University of Norway (UiT)
14.10-14.20 Break
14.20-14.45 Sex-specific gene expression alterations in response to ingested PVC microplastics in Wistar rats, Alice Refosco, University of Bergen
14.45-15.10 Microplastics in human feces and their correlation with dietary behavior: A pilot study, Jutta Dierkes, University of Bergen
15.10-15.15 Wrap-up​​​​