Grieg forskerskole i interdisiplinære musikkstudier


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Spring Seminar

Communication in Music, Arts, Therapy and Education Practices

Grieg Research School (GRS) and the University of Stavanger invite PhD candidates and other delegates to a national research seminar in March on the theme Communication.

University of Stavanger, Department of Music and Dance, Bjergstedparken
University of Stavanger


Communication in Music, Arts, Therapy and Education Practices


Dates: March 11-14, 2014

Location: University of Stavanger, Department of Music and Dance, Bjergsted 1, Stavanger, Norway

Registration: closed.

Questions: send an email to the GRS coordinator liv.qvale@uni.no


The Final Programme and the Book of Abstracts are now ready.



(please download the pdf-file for a more detailed programme)

Tuesday March 11

12.00-13.00        Registration

13.00-13.15        Opening

13.15-14.45        Keynote 1: Per Dahl: Lost in translation? A listener’s perspective

14.45-15.00        Break

15.00-16.30        2 Ph.D. Candidates. Presentation and discussion

16.45-18.00        Your Ph.D. in 5 minutes or less!

18.00                 Reception


Wednesday March 12

09.00-10.30        Keynote 2: Wolfgang Fuhrmann: What exactly is music communicating?

10.30-10.45        Break

10.45-12.15        2 Ph.D. Candidates. Presentation and discussion

12.15-13.15        Lunch

13.15-14.45        Keynote 3: Magne Espeland / Lars Ole Bonde: Communication in music listening practices 

14.45-15.00        Break

15.00-15.45        1Ph.D. Candidate. Presentation and discussion

15.45-17.00        GRS candidate meeting


Thursday March 13

09.00-10.30        Keynote 4: Henriette Thune: Bakhtin’s Dialogue in relation to music and education Practices

10.30-10.45        Break

10.45-12.15        2 Ph.D. Candidates. Presentation and discussion. Parallell: meeting and presentations for Førstelektor Candidates

12.15-13.15        Lunch

13.15-14.45        Keynote 5: Nils Henrik Asheim: Multimodality as communicative and artistic strategy

14.45-15.00        Break

15.00-15.45        1 Ph.D. Candidates. Presentation and discussion

16.00-16.30        Film: "Becoming Bodies"

19.00                  Conference Dinner


Friday March 14

09.00-10.30        Keynote 6: Daniel Leech-Wilkinson: Shaping music as communication

10.30-10.45        Break

10.45-12.15        2 Ph.D. Candidates. Presentation and discussion

12.15-13.15        Lunch

13.15-14.45        Keynote 7: Beatrice Allegranti / Jill Halstead: "Where's the Body?":Entangled communication between music, dance and film

14.45-15.00        Break

15.00-16.00        Closing discussion

There might be changes to this plan.


Recommended readings

Keynote 1, Per Dahl:

Dahl, Per (2008). Skriftlighetens vekst og fall i klassisk musikk. Studia Musicologica Norvegica  34: 51-67.

Shorter English version:  The Rise and Fall of Literacy in Classical Music. Fontes Artis Musicae. Jan-Mar2009, Vol. 56 Issue 1, p66-76. 11p.

Keynote 2, Wolfgang Fuhrmann:

Fuhrmann, Wolfgang (2011). Toward a Theory of Socio-Musical Systems: Reflections on Niklas Luhmann’s Challenge to Music Sociology. Acta Musicologica LXXXIII 1/2011 (135-160).

Keynote 3, Magne Espeland & Lars Ole Bonde:

Bonde, L.O. (2009) Musik og menneske. Introduktion til musikpsykologi. København: Samfundslitteratur (Kap. 10 Musiklytning,  evt også Kap 13).

Bonde, L.O. (2010). Music as support and challenge. In: Jahrbuch Musiktherapie Bd. 6, Imaginationen in derMusiktherapie. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag: 89-118.

Espeland, M. (2010). A century of music listening in schools: Toward practices resonating with cultural psychology?. I Barrett, M. S. (Ed.) A Cultural Psychology of Music Education. Oxford: Oxford University Press 

Keynote 4 Henriette Thune:

Thune, Henriette: Chapter I.1 Definition of the Aesthetic Object,  pp. 29-41 in Mikhail Bakhtin’s Aesthetic Object - Adaptation analysis of Sara Stridsberg’s novel The Dream Faculty and its theatre adaptation Valerie Jean Solanas will be President of America, UiS, 2012.

Bruhn, Jørgen: Now a Major Soundtrack! — Madness, Music, and Ideology in Shutter Island Adaptation (2013) 6 (3): 320-337 first published online July 25, 2013.

Keynote 5, Nils Henrik Asheim:

"Mazurka / remaking Chopin": https://itunes.apple.com/nz/album/mazurka-remaking-chopin/id399133328

"19.march 2004, Oslo Cathedral": https://itunes.apple.com/nz/album/19-march-2004-oslo-cathedral/id297976195

"Broken Line": https://itunes.apple.com/no/album/broken-line/id297893845?l=nb

Nils Henrik Asheim's website: http://www.nilshenrikasheim.no/

Vimeo page of the Stavanger Concert Hall Organ: https://vimeo.com/stavangerorgel

Keynote 6, Daniel Leech-Wilkinson:

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel (2012)'Compositions, Scores, Performances, Meanings', Music Theory Online 18/1  http://mtosmt.org/issues/mto.12.18.1/mto.12.18.1.leech-wilkinson.php

Keynote 7, Beatrice Allegranti & Jill Halstead:

Allegranti, B. (2013). “The Politics of Becoming Bodies: Sex, Gender and Intersubjectivity in Motion”. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 41:1, 394-403.

Barad, K. (2007) Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning. Durham/London: Duke University Press.

Damasio, A. (2000) The Feeling of What Happens: Body, Emotion and the Making of Consciousness, London: Vintage.

Gendlin. E.T. (1996) Focusing-oriented psychotherapy: A manual of the experiential method. New York: Guilford.

Kalinak, Kathryn. (2010) Film music: a very short introduction. Oxford University Press.

Navas, E. (2012) Remix theory: the aesthetics of sampling.  Walter de Gruyter & Co.


Candidate presentations

For this seminar we are offering candidates two types of presentation. It is now hoped that every candidate will do at least one presentation during each seminar, in addition to taking responsibility for giving peer feedback to other candidates.

1. Oral Ph.D. presentation: 25 minutes

This presentation should be directly related to the candidates Ph.D. research. These presentations will be followed by feedback from keynote speakers/GRS senior researchers and other Ph.D. candidates.

How to prepare for the oral presentation?

This presentation should take the form of a research lecture considering one or two key questions or issues important to the work. Candidates should choose carefully how much to present given the time limitation. Use of appropriate audio/visual materials is recommended where possible. It is also recommended that candidates give clear information as to how the material of the presentation fits within the context of the Ph.D. as a whole.

2. Key text presentation: 25 minutes

Candidates can give a short presentation on an article or book chapter of their choice. The text chosen should be important to their Ph.D. research. Candidates can choose texts that strongly support or have influenced their thesis, or texts that challenge or oppose their work.

How to prepare for the key text presentation?

All presentations should be a clear, concise summary of the text, key questions and findings-conclusions.  Candidates should also consider including discussion of one or more of the following points.

  • Summary of how the text has been significant to the candidate’s work specifically, or their field more generally.
  • Summary of any opposition to/critiques of the text and its conclusions.
  • Suggestions for further reading on the topic.


Candidates who participate with oral Ph.D. presentation may also submit a written work (an essay/article based on the oral presentation) to the GRS professional committee for evaluation. This may be written in English or Norwegian, and should follow the guidelines for writing essays/articles.

Deadline for essay/article submission: May 15, 2014.


Peer Feedback on Presentations

Each candidate will be assigned responsibility for giving feedback to a specific Ph.D. presentation. This will mean preparing by reading material carefully in advance, and preparing questions/comments/feedback. Peer feedback will be given as part of the discussion sessions after each presentation.


Credits and participation

We expect full participation from the candidates, and to get ECTS credits the candidates must be present the whole seminar (that is, less than 20% absence).

Full participation with presentation grants 3 ECTS credits (it will not be possible to gain credits merely by being present).

Approval of submitted essay (bassed on the oral presentation) is recognized by GRS with another 2 ECTS credits.

Submission of essays are only for Ph.D. candidates, artistic research candidates and “førstelektor” candidates.


Fees and accommodation

Participation in the research seminar is free for all Ph.D. candidates who are members of GRS, higher education staff and other delegates from the owner institutions. Delegates from other institutions will pay a seminar fee of NOK 3000 and will receive an invoice from the University of Bergen.

Candidates and other delegates cover their own expenses for travel and accommodation. You are offered to stay at Clarion Hotel Stavanger (10 minutes walk from Bjergsted). To make a reservation, contact Clarion Hotel (+47 51 50 25 00), and give the reference code # 252344 to get the university price NOK 1.395. If Clarion Hotel is fully booked, you will be offered to stay at Comfort Hotel Square (7 minutes walk).

For other suggestions on accomodation, please visit the website Stavanger region.