Utfordringer i etablerte demokratier

Nyhetsarkiv for Utfordringer i etablerte demokratier

Post-doctor Cornelius Cappelen finds in a new article in Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning that inheritance taxation has low legitimacy within the Norwegian population. Nonetheless, he and co-author Jørgen Pedersen conclude, an increase of the tax is principally defensible in light of egalitarian ideals.
Professor Frank Aarebrot and research assistant Kjetil Evjen recently published a new introductory-level text book on European state and nation-building, based on Aarebrot’s lectures.
Postdoctor Yvette Peters finds in a new publication that more affluent citizens influence public policy more than poorer ones, and that differences in turnout partially explains it. The article is published in West European Politics and is co-authored by Sander J. Ensink.
The project seeks to ascertain how much personal responsibility citizens believe they have for their own income. Professors Stein Kuhnle, Siri Gloppen, and post-doc Cornelius Cappelen represent the Department of Comparative Politics in the project.
Associate Professor Michaël Tatham says to Norwegian newspaper Klar Tale that even if certain regions in Europe were to become independent, close relations to the parent state and the EU would be maintained.
Førsteamanuensis Michaël Tatham sier til nettavisen Klar Tale at selv om enkelte regioner i Europa blir selvstendige stater, vil de fortsatt ha tette bånd til både landet de tilhørte og EU.
Østensen will teach the 200-level course «The Commercialization of Security in Peace and Conflict» at the Department of Comparative Politics in the spring of 2015.
Increasing the pressure on mosques can contribute to further radicalization of Muslims, PhD student Olav Elgvin writes in an op-ed in newspaper Aftenposten.
How do Muslim religious leaders in Europe understand the relationship between Islam and politics? This will be answered in Olav Elgvin’s PhD proejct.
Førsteamanuensis Elisabeth Ivarsflaten skriver i en BT-kronikk at det var primært i den rike, nordlige delen av EU at høyrepopulistene gikk frem under det nylig avholdte EU-valget.
Professor Stein Kuhnle and co-editors Pauli Kettunen og Yuan Ren presented the new Chinese-language book «Reshaping Welfare Institutions in China and the Nordic Countries» at the Nordic Centre, Fudan, on June 6th.
China-expert Hans Jørgen Gåsemyr writes in an op-ed in Aftenposten that Norway needs good relations with a China on the rise, and that it therefore makes sense for the Norwegian government not to meet with the Dalai Lama now.
Associate Professor Michaël Tatham does research on the role of regions in the EU system. This spring the prolific researcher has published seven new articles in the field.
Professor Stein Kuhnle of the Department of Comparative Politics collaborates with Norwegian, Finnish, American and Russian partners on a new research project on welfare reform in Russia. The project is led by the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research.
The research group "Challenges in Advanced Democracies" invites to a stimulating presentation. Wojciech Nowiak from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poland, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, will give a talk on "Welfare policy changes in Poland" at our research group seminar on October 24th.
Michaël Tatham has recently been named Associate Professor at the Department of Comparative Politics. This is a short presentation of our newest colleague.