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Research ethics

Links to various Norwegian resources on research ethics


The Data Inspectorate

The Data Inspectorate, an independent administrative body under the The Ministry of Government Administration and Reform. Set up to ensure enforcement of the Personal Data Act. The purpose of this Act is to protect persons from violation of their right to privacy through the processing of personal data. The Act shall help to ensure that personal data are processed in accordance with fundamental respect for the right to privacy, including the need to protect personal integrity and private life and ensure that personal data are of adequate quality.


Norwegian Social Science Data Services

The Norwegian Data Inspectorate has chosen NSD as its partner for implementation of the statutory data privacy requirements in the research community. All research handling personal data at UiB shall be reported to the Norwegian Social Science Data Services.


The National Committee for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and the Humanities

The charter of the committee states, among other things, that the committee shall draw up guidelines for research ethics in the social sciences, law, the humanities and theology. The Committee has twelve members: two lay representatives and ten members with different professional backgrounds.