Forskningsgruppe for klinisk psykologi


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Selected publications

Here you will find some selected publications from the last few years



Nordgreen TS, B, Mannes H, Haug T, Sivertsen B, et al. Guided self-help via internet for panic disorder in adults: a pilot study. Computers in Human Behavior 2010; Published Online: Jan 21.

Omvik S, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B, Sivertsen B, et al. Patient characteristics and predictors of sleep medication use. International Clinical Psychopharmacology 2010, Published Online: Jan 12.


Sivertsen B, Nordhus IH, Bjorvatn B, & Pallesen S. Sleep problems in general practice. A national survey of assessment and treatment routines of GPs in Norway. Journal of Sleep Research 2009, Published Online: Aug 31.

Sivertsen B, Krokstad S, Mykletun A, & Øverland S. Insomnia Symptoms and Use of Health Care Services and Medications. The HUNT-2 Study. Behavioral Sleep Medicine 2009; 7, 210-222.

Sivertsen B, Hysing M, Elgen I, Stormark K, & Lundervold A. Chronicity of sleep problems in children with chronic illness. A longitudinal population-based study. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 2009; 3:22.

Sivertsen B, Nordhus IH, Bjorvatn B, & Pallesen S. Sleep problems in general practice. A national survey of assessment and treatment routines of GPs in Norway. Journal of Sleep Research, in press. 

Vika, M, Skaret, E., Raadal, M., Öst, L-G., and Kvale, G. One- vs. five-session treatment of intra-oral injection phobia: a randomized clinical study. European Journal of Oral Dentistry, in press.

Agdal, Maren Gry Lillehaug; Raadal, Magne J; Skaret, Erik; Kvale, Gerd. Oral health and oral treatment needs in patients fulfilling the DSM-IV criteria for dental phobia: Possible influence on the outcome of cognitive behavioral therapy. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, in press.

Haukebø, K; Skaret, E; Öst, L-G; Raadal, M J; Berg, E; Sundberg, H; Kvale, G. One- vs. five-session treatment of dental phobia: A randomized controlled study.. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, in press.

Sivertsen B, Omvik S, Pallesen S, Nordhus IH, Bjorvatn N. Sleep and sleep disorders in chronic users of zopiclone and drug-free insomniacs. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 2009; 5, 349-354

Sivertsen B, Øverland S, Mykletun A, Krokstad S. The epidemiology of insomnia: Associations with physical and mental health. The HUNT-2 study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2009; 67, 109-116.

Sivertsen B. Cognitive behavioural theapy for insomnia. US Psychiatry 2009, 2, 61-64.

Sivertsen B, Overland S, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B, Nordhus IH, Mæland J, & Mykletun A. Insomnia and long sleep duration are risk factors for later work disability. The Hordaland Health Study. Journal of Sleep Research 2009; 18, 122–128.

Sivertsen B, Overland S, Bjorvatn B, Mæland J, Mykletun A. Does insomnia predict sickness leave? The Hordaland Health Study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2009; 66,1, 67-74.

Hysing M, Sivertsen B, Stormark KM, Elgen I, Lundervold AJ. Sleep in children with a chronic illness and the relation to emotional and behavioral problems. Results from a population based study. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2009, 34, 665-70.



Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B, Nordhus I, Sivertsen B, Hjørnevik M, & Morin CM. A new scale for measuring insomnia: the Bergen Insomnia Scale. Perceptual & Motor Skills 2008; 107,691-706.

Petrie KJ, Pennebaker JW, & Sivertsen B. Things we said today: A linguistic analysis of the Beatles. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 2008; 4, 197-202.

Pallesen S, Hetland J, Sivertsen B, Samdal O, Torsheim T, & Nordhus IH. Time trends in sleep-onset difficulties among Norwegian adolescents: 1983-2005. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2008; 36, 889-95.Sivertsen B, Overland S, Glozier N, Bjorvatn B, Mæland J, Mykletun A. The effect of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome on sick leave and work disability. European Respiratory Journal 2008; 32, 1497-1503.

Sivertsen B, Omvik S, Straume S, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B, Havik O, & Nordhus IH. Clinical significance of periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) in insomnia patients. The Open Sleep Journal, 2008, 1, 52-57.

Overland S, Glozier N, Sivertsen B, et al. A comparison of insomnia and depression as predictors of disability pension: historical cohort study. Sleep 2008;31, 875-80.

Omvik S, Sivertsen B, Pallesen S, at al. Daytime functioning in older patients suffering from chronic insomnia: Treatment outcome in a randomized controlled trial comparing CBT with Zopiclone. Behaviour Research and Therapy 2008; 4, 623-641.

Bjorvatn, C.; Eide, G. E.; Hanestad. B. R. & Havik, O. E.  Anxiety and depression among subjects attending genetic counseling for hereditary cancer.  Patient Education and Counseling, 2008, 71, 234-243.

Sandal, Gro Mjeldheim; Brunborg, Geir Scott; Sam, David Lackland. Rekruttering i flerkulturelle samfunn. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening 2008(3):329-335

van Oudenhoven, J. P.; de Raad, B.; Askevis-Leherpeux, F.; Boski, P.; Brunborg, G. S.; Carmona, C.; Barelds, D.; Hill, C. T.; Mlacˇic´, B.; Motti, F.; et al.. Terms of abuse as expression and reinforcement of cultures. International Journal of Intercultural Relations 2008;32:174-185

Sivertsen B, Hysing M. Psychological factors associated with self-reported sensitivity to mobile phones. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2008;64(1):11-12

Vika, Margrethe Elin; Skaret, Erik; Raadal, Magne J; Öst, Lars-Göran; Kvale, Gerd. Fear of blood, injury, and injections, and its relationship to dental anxiety and probability of avoiding dental treatment among 18-year-olds in Norway.. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2008;18(3):153-169

Øyane, Nicolas; Bjelland, Ingvar; Pallesen, Ståle; Holsten, Fred; Bjorvatn, Bjørn. Seasonality is associated with symptoms of anxiety and depression. The Hordaland Health Study.. Journal of Affective Disorders 2008;105(1-3):147-155



Bjorvatn, Cathrine; Eide, Geir Egil; Hanestad, Berit Rokne; Nordin, Karin; Havik, Odd E.. Anxiety and depression among people attending genetic counselling for hereditary cancer. Psycho-Oncology 2007;16(9):S100-S100

Bjorvatn, Cathrine; Eide, Geir Egil; Hanestad, Berit Rokne; Øyen, Nina; Havik, Odd E.; Carlsson, Anniken Hamang; Berglund, Gunilla. Risk perception, worry and satisfaction related to genetic counseling for hereditary cancer. Journal of Genetic Counseling 2007;16(2):211-222

Havik, Odd E.; Sivertsen, Børge; Relbo, Anne; Hellesvik, Marit; Grov, Ingelin; Geiran, Odd; Andreassen, Arne K; Simonsen, Svein; Gullestad, Lars. Depressive symptoms and all-cause mortality after heart transplantation. Transplantation 2007;84:97-103

Hrubos-Strom, H; Kristiansen, H; Randby, A; Namtvedt, S; Fjellum, A; Nordhus, Inger Hilde; Dammen, T. Psychosomatic aspects of obstructive sleep APNEA syndrome (OSAS). Design, rationale (and preliminary results) of a Norwegian, population-based study.. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2007;63:322-323

Hynninen, Kia Minna Johanna; Pallesen, Ståle; Bjerke, Nina; Bakke, Per; Nordhus, Inger Hilde. Cognitive behavioural therapy in groups for anxiety and depression in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2007;63:323-323

Hynninen, Kia Minna Johanna; Pallesen, Ståle; Nordhus, Inger Hilde. Factors affecting health status in COPD patients with co-morbid anxiety and depression. The International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 2007;2(3):323-328

Monsen, Jon T.; von der Lippe, Anna Louise; Havik, Odd E.; Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Eilertsen, Dag E.. Validation of the SASB introject surface in a Norwegian clinical and nonclinical sample. Journal of Personality Assessment 2007;88(2):235-245

Nordhus, Inger Hilde; Hynninen, Kia Minna Johanna. Anxiety and depression in late life - challenges to assessment and treatment. International psychogeriatrics 2007;19 Suppl 1PL7-3
Nordhus, Inger Hilde; Pallesen, Ståle. Det gåtefulle ved søvn og drøm. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening 2007;44(4):362

Nordhus, Inger Hilde; Pallesen, Ståle. Psykologisk forståelse og behandling av søvnproblemer hos voksne . Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening 2007;44(4):413-422

Nordhus, Inger Hilde; Sivertsen, Børge; Omvik, Siri; Pallesen, Ståle. Treatment of chronic insomnia with cognitive behavioral therapy vs. zopiclone.. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2007;63:329-330

Omvik, Siri; Pallesen, Ståle; Bjorvatn, Bjørn; Thayer, Julian Francis; Nordhus, Inger Hilde. Night-time thoughts in high and low worriers: Reaction to caffeine-induced sleeplessness. Behaviour Research and Therapy 2007;25(4):715-727

Pallesen, Ståle; Bjorvatn, Bjørn; Nordhus, Inger Hilde; Sivertsen, Børge. Søvnsykdommer - en oversikt . Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening 2007;44(4):378-393

Pallesen, Ståle; Molde, Helge; Arnestad, Helga Myrseth; Laberg, Jon Christian; Skutle, Arvid; Iversen, Erik; Støylen, Inge Jarl; Kvale, Gerd; Holsten, Fred. Outcome of pharmacological treatments of pathological gambling - A review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2007;27(4):357-364

Pallesen, Ståle; Nordhus, Inger Hilde; Omvik, Siri; Sivertsen, Børge; Tell, Grethe S; Bjorvatn, Bjørn. Prevalence and risk factors of subjective sleepiness in the general adult population. Sleep 2007;30(5):619-624

Pallesen, Ståle; Nordhus, Inger Hilde; Sivertsen, Børge; Bjorvatn, Bjørn. Epworth søvnighetsskala. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening 2007;44(4):448-450

Pallesen, Ståle; Nordhus, Inger Hilde; Sivertsen, Børge; Omvik, Siri; Bjorvatn, Bjørn. Psykologers kunnskaper om søvn . Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening 2007;44(4):365-371

Sivertsen, Børge; Nordhus, Inger Hilde. Limitations of cognitive-behavioural therapy for sleep disorders in older adults - Reply. British Journal of Psychiatry 2007;191:266-266

Sivertsen, Børge; Nordhus, Inger Hilde. Management of insomnia in older adults. British Journal of Psychiatry 2007;190(4):285-286

Sivertsen, Børge; Relbo, Anne; Gullestad, Lars; Hellesvik, Marit; Grov, Ingelin; Andreassen, Arne K; Simonsen, Svein; Geiran, Odd; Havik, Odd E.. Selvvurdert helse og psykiske symptomer etter hjertetransplantasjon. Tidsskrift for Den norske lægeforening 2007;127:3198-3201

Skaret, Erik; Berg, Einar; Kvale, Gerd; Raadal, Magne J. Psychological characteristics of Norwegian adolescents reporting no likelihood of visiting a dentist in a situation with toothache. . International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2007;17(6):430-438

Skjerve, Arvid; Nordhus, Inger Hilde; Engedal, Knut; Pallesen, Ståle; Brækhus, Anne; Nygaard, Harald. Seven Minute Screen performance in an elderly normal sample. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2007;22(8):764-769

Wolff, Katharina; Brun, Wibecke; Kvale, Gerd; Nordin, Karin. Confidentiality versus Duty to Inform – An Empirical Study on Attitudes towards the Handling of Genetic Information.. American Journal of Medical Genetics 2007;143A(2):142-148

Østhus, TBG; Dammen, T; Os, I; Nordhus, Inger Hilde. Anxiety and depression in dialysis patients. Preliminary data from a Norwegian study using HAD and BDI.. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2007;63(3):330-330.