Research methods
The research group has long experience with animal models, mostly rats, and use modern laboratory facilities which meet international standards and demands within animal research. This includes a large range of behavioral testing equipment, equipment for biochemical and histological analyses, neurophysiological laboratory measurements of EEG/EMG, telemetry and extracellular stimulation and recording.
- used in animal studies
- Objective measures of sleep and waking function (EEG and EMG)
- Objective measures of circadian rhythmicity
- Forced Activity (automated running wheels)
- Telemetry
- Electrophysiology
- Open field
- Startle response
- Elevated Plus Maze
- Pavlovian and Instrumental Conditioning
- Biochemical parameters
- Molecular measures of brain function
- Metabolic measures of energy intake and expenditure
-used in human studies
- Objective and subjective measures of sleep and waking function (EEG and EMG)
- Objective and subjective measures of circadian rhythmicity
- Biochemical parameters (saliva, blood samples)
- Clinical interviews
- Self-reported questionnaires
- Stress-responsivity tests
- Human centric lighting
The biochemical laboratory at the Faculty of Psychology (UoB) has a central role within the research activity of BSSG.