Listed below are some of the publications for the UiB affiliated members of the Ancient Philosophy research group
Fossheim, Hallvard: «Aristole on Political Agency», 289-305 in Friedemann Buddensiek and Sebastian Odzuck (edd.), Praxis – Actions and Agents in Ancient Philosophy, de Gruyter (2023)
Papandreou, Marilù: Aristotle's Ontology of Artefacts. Cambridge University Press (2023)
Papandreou, Marilù: «Asclepius of Tralles’ Infinite Regress Argument Against the Generation of Forms in Aristotle’s Met. Z 8 1033a34-1033b5», Philosophie antique, 23 | 2023, 63-88 (2023)
Papandreou, Marilù: Review of Johansen, Thomas Kjeller (ed.), Productive Knowledge in Ancient Philosophy: The Concept of Technê (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2021, xiv + 316 pp), in Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 105/3, 499-503 (2023)
Sampson, Kristin: “Anti-Ødipus og økologi” [Anti-Oedipus and ecology], Agora 4/2023, 95-111
Fossheim, Hallvard: Dialog: En filosofisk tilnærming [dialogue: a philosophical approach]. CappelenDamm Akademisk (2022)
Larsen, Jens Kristian. «On Common Forms and Dialectical Inquiry in Plato’s Parmenides» in International Plato Studies Vol 41: 183-91 (2021)
Papandreou, Marilù: «A Byzantine Metaphysics of Artefacts? The Case of Michael of Ephesus’ Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics», Philosophies 7, 4:88
Sampson, Kristin: “Examen philosophicums betydning som fellesskapsdannende grunnlag for dialog og refleksjon”, [The Significance of Examen Philosophicum as a Shared Foundation for Dialogue and Reflection] Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift, Vol. 57, Nr. 1–2, 2022, pp. 54–64:
Fossheim, Hallvard: «Aristotle on Plants: Life, Communion, and Wonder», in Melanie Duckworth and Lykke Guanio-Uluru (edd.), Plants in Children’s and Young Adult Literature, Routledge (2021)
Larsen, Jens Kristian: «Seeing Double: Divisions of eidē and Division of Labor in Plato’s Republic», Plato Journal, vol. 22, 101-13
Larsen, Jens Kristian: «Becoming more dialectical through the use of examples» In New Perspectives on Platonic Dialectic, ed. by Jens Kristian Larsen, Vivil Valvik Haraldsen and Justin Vlasits, 134-51. Routledge
Papandreou, Marilù: «Aristotle's Take on Inadvertently Made Objects», Esercizi Filosofici, 16:26-41
Songe-Møller, Vigdis: «Heraclitus’ Cosmology: Eugen Fink’s Interpretation in Dialogue with Martin Heidegger”, 283-302 in Kristian Larsen and PaulRykkja Gilbert (edd), Phenomenological Interpretations of Ancient Philosophy, Brill
Balot, Ryan & Fossheim, Hallvard: «Plato’s Statesman and Laws: Theory, Context, and Method», Polis, Vol. 37/3, 387-394 (2020)
Balot, Ryan & Fossheim, Hallvard (edd.): Democracy and Its Rivals: Plato’s Statesman and Laws, Polis special issue, Vol 37/3 (2020)
Fossheim, Hallvard: «The Number of Rulers in Plato’s Statesman», Polis, Vol. 37/3, 435-448 (2020)
Fossheim, Hallvard: «To kalon and the Experience of Art», 34-50 in Pierre Destrée, Malcolm Heath, and Dana Munteanu (edd.), The Poetics in Its Aristotelian Context, Routledge (2020)
Fossheim, Hallvard: «Fellesskap, identitet og kontroll: Om oikos i gresk antikk» [community, identity, and control: on oikos in Greek antiquity], in Prosopopeia No 1-2/20
Larsen, Jens Kristian: «Differentiating Philosopher from Statesman according to Work and Worth», Polis, 37/3, 550-66
Larsen, Jens Kristian: “What are Collections and Divisions Good For? A reconsideration of Plato’s Phaedrus.” Ancient Philosophy, vol. 40, 107-33
Sampson, Kristin: “The Art of Politics as Weaving in Plato’s Statesman”, pp. 485-500 in Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought, Volume 37, Issue 3 (2020).
Sampson, Kristin: “Conceptions of Temporality: Reconsidering Time in an Age of Impending Emergency” pp. 769-782 in Theoria, Vol. 86, Issue 6 (2020).
Sampson, Kristin: “Thinking Life through the Early Greeks” pp. 61-75 in Thinking Life with Luce Irigaray (ed. Gail M. Schwab). New York: State University of New York Press 2020
Songe-Møller, Vigdis: “The Goddess and Diotima: Their Role in Parmenides’ Poem and Plato’s Symposium”, 67-81 in Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir and Ruth Edith Hagengruber (edd), Methodological Reflections on Women’s Contribution and the Influence in the History of Philosophy, Springer
Fossheim, Hallvard: «The limits of rationality in Plato’s Phaedo», in Fossheim, Vigdis Songe-Møller, and Knut Ågotnes (edd.), Philosophy as Drama: Plato’s Thinking through Dialogue, Bloomsbury (2019)
Fossheim, Hallvard: «Introduction» (with Songe-Møller and Ågotnes), in Fossheim, Vigdis Songe-Møller, and Knut Ågotnes (edd.), Philosophy as Drama: Plato’s Thinking through Dialogue, Bloomsbury (2019)
Fossheim, Hallvard: «Filosofer og demokrater: Politiske institusjoner og filosofisk kritikk i antikkens Athen» [philosophers and democrats: political institutions and philosophical criticism in ancient Athens], 81-91 in Arr: Idéhistorisk tidsskrift Vol 28, No 1-2 (2019)
Fossheim, Hallvard: «Tyrannens fortvilelse: Aristoteles om livet i politikkens grensetrakter» [the tyrant’s despair: Aristotle on life on the outskirts of politics], in Aigis: Elektronisk tidsskrift for klassiske studier i Norden, Vol 19 (2019)
Fossheim, Hallvard, Songe-Møller, Vigdis, and Ågotnes, Knut (edd.): Philosophy as Drama: Plato’s Thinking through Dialogue, Bloomsbury (2019)
Larsen, Jens Kristian: «Eleaticism and Socratic Dialectic: On Ontology, Philosophical Inquiry, and Estimations of Worth in Plato’s Parmenides, Sophist and Statesman», Études platoniciennes, vol. 15
Larsen, Jens Kristian: «Measuring Humans Against Gods: On the Digression of Plato’s Theaetetus», Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, volume 101, Issue 1, 1-29
Sampson, Kristin: “Sounds of Subjectivity or Resonances of Something Other” pp. 123-140 in Antiquities Beyond Humanism (eds. Emanuela Bianchi, Sara Brill, and Brooke Holmes). Oxford University Press 2019
Sampson, Kristin: “The Significance of the Ambiguity of Music in Plato” pp. 143-161 in Philosophy as Drama: Plato's Thinking through Dialogue (eds. Hallvard Fossheim, Vigdis Songe-Møller, and Knut Ågotnes). London & New York: Bloomsbury Academic 2019.
Rørstadbotten, Gro: “Hunt: Method and Metaphor. A Reading of the Sophist 216a1-226a6” pp. 209-29 in Philosophy as Drama: Plato’s Thinking through Dialogue (eds Hallvard Fossheim, Vigdis Songe-Møller og Knut Ågotnes) London: Bloomsbury Academic 2019.
Fossheim, Hallvard: «The character of Socrates in Plato’s Apology: An Aristotelian analysis», 121-136 in Vivil Valvik Haraldsen, Olof Pettersson and Oda E. Wiese Tvedt (edd.), Readings of Plato’s Apology of Socrates, Lexington Books (2018)
Fossheim, Hallvard: «Aristotle on children and childhood», 37-55 in Reidar Aasgaard and Cornelia Horn (edd.), Childhood in History: Perceptions of Children in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds, Routledge (2018)
Fossheim, Hallvard: «Regimer og maktfordeling hos Platon og Aristoteles» [regimes and division of power in Plato and Aristotle], 5-19 in Agora No. 2-3 (2018)
Fossheim, Hallvard (ed.): Antikkens politiske filosofi [political philosophy of Antiquity], Agora double issue, Vol. 36/2-3 (2018)
Larsen, Jens Kristian: «Politiske ideer i Platons Phaidon: Sokrates’ argumenter for sjælens udødelighed som et forsvar for menneskelig frihed» [Political Ideas in Plato’s Phaedo: Socrates’ arguments for the immortality of the soul as a defence for human freedom] Agora 2-3/2018: 46-68
Larsen, Jens Kristian: «The Virtue of Power», The New Yearbook of Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, vol. XIII: 306-317 (reprinted in a slightly enlarged and revised version as «Gods, Giants, and Philosophers: On Being, Education, and Dialogue in Plato’s Sophist», in Philosophy as Drama: On Plato’s Way of Thinking through Dialogue, edited by Hallvard Fossheim, Vigdis Songe-Møller and Knut Ågotnes, 107-122. Bloomsbury, 2019)
Rørstadbotten, Gro: «Socrates’ Telling of the Truth: A Reading of the Apology 17a1-35d9» pp. 101-20 in Readings of Plato's Apology of Socrates: Defending the Philosophical Life (eds. Vivil Valvik Haraldsen, Olof Pettersson og Oda Elisabeth W. Tvedt). Lexington Books 2018.
Rørstadbotten, Gro: Plato - A Voice for Peace. Political Accountability and Dramatic Staging. PhD-thesis. UIB 2018. <>
Sampson, Kristin: “The Temporality of Philosophy in the Apology” pp. 57-71 in Readings of Plato's Apology. Defending the Philosophical Life (ed. Vivil Valvik Haraldsen, Knut Olof Gunnar Pettersson & Oda E. Wiese Tvedt). London: Lexington Books 2018.
Sampson, Kristin: “Den kjente og den glemte Hypatia” [Hypatia – Famous and Forgotten] pp. 53-65 in Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift, Vol. 53, No. 2-3. Universitetsforlaget 2018.
Sampson, Kristin: “Penger og velstand i antikken” [Money and Wealth in Ancient Greece] pp. 270-289 in Agora, No. 2-3, H. Aschehoug & Co 2018.
Fossheim, Hallvard: «The Question of Methodology in Plato’s Protagoras», 9-21 in Olof Pettersson and Vigdis Songe-Møller (edd.), Plato’s Protagoras: Essays on the Confrontation of Philosophy and Sophistry, Springer (2017)
Pettersson, Olof and Songe-Møller, Vigdis (edd), Plato’s Protagoras. Essays on the Confrontation of Philosophy and Sophistry. Springer
Rørstadbotten, Gro: «Turning Towards Philosophy: A Reading of Protagoras 309a1–314e2» pp. 137-51 in Essays on the Confrontation of Philosophy and Sophistry, Plato’s Protagoras (eds. Vigdis Songe-Møller og Olof Pettersson. Springer 2017.
Sampson, Kristin. "Visible and Audible Movement in the Protagoras" pp. 199-213 in Plato’s Protagoras: Essays on the Confrontation of Philosophy and Sophistry (ed. Olof Pettersson & Vigdis Songe-Møller) in Philosophical Studies Series. Springer 2017.
Songe-Møller, Vigdis: “A Voice From Nowhere? On Voice (Phônê), Topos, and Atopos in Plato’s Protagoras”, 165-176 in Olof Pettersson and Vigdis Songe-Møller (edd), Plato’s Protagoras: Essays on the Confrontation of Philosophy and Sophistry, Springer
Fossheim, Hallvard: «Hinsides lykke: Aristoteles om det gode, det edle og meningen med livet» [beyond happiness: Aristotle on the good, the noble, and the meaning of life], 3-9 in Arr: Idéhistorisk tidsskrift Vol 31, No 3-4 (2016)
Sampson, Kristin. "Kærlighed: Symposion" [Love: Symposium] pp. 209-229 in Platon: Værk og virkning (ed. Jakob L. Fink & Kristian Larsen). Copenhagen: Gyldendal 2016.
Fossheim, Hallvard: «Aristotle on Happiness and Old Age», 65-81 in Rabbås, Emilsson, Fossheim, and Tuominen (edd.), The Quest for the Good Life: Ancient Philosophers on Happiness, Oxford University Press (2015)
Fossheim, Hallvard: «Introduction» (with Rabbås, Emilsson, and Tuominen), 1-27 in Rabbås, Emilsson, Fossheim, and Tuominen (edd.), The Quest for the Good Life: Ancient Philosophers on Happiness, Oxford University Press (2015)
Fossheim, Hallvard: «Aristotle on Virtuous Questioning of Morality», 65-81 in Beatrix Himmelmann and Robert B. Louden (edd.), Why Be Moral?, De Gruyter (2015)
Fossheim, Hallvard, with Rabbår, Øyvind, Emilsson, Eyjòlfur K., Tuominen, Miira (edd.): The Quest for the Good Life: Ancient Philosophers on Happiness, Co-editor, Oxford University Press (2015)
Rørstabotten, Gro and Anne Vedvik: Fortiede alternativer. Kvinner som har tenkt. Cincultent: Berit Ås. Bergen: Initiativ Forlag 2015
Sampson, Kristin. "A Third Possibility: Mixture and Musicality" in The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, Vol. 13 (ed. Burt Hopkins and John Drummond). Routledge 2015.
Sampson, Kristin. "Beyond the Subject: Early Greek Conceptions of Corporeality" in Ágalma, n. 30, ottobre 2015. Roma: Mimesis edizioni 2015.
Fossheim, Hallvard: «Virtue Ethics and Everyday Strategies», Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 2014/1, No 267, 65-82
Fossheim, Hallvard: «The Fortunes of Virtue Ethics», 157-176 in Miira Tuominen, Sara Heinämaa, and Virpi Mäkinen (edd.), New Perspectives on Aristotelianism and Its Critics, Brill (2014)
Fossheim, Hallvard: «Development and not-being in Plato’s Sophist», 318-328 in The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy Vol XIII (2014)
Fossheim, Hallvard: «The Prooimia, Types of Motivation, and Moral Psychology», in Christoph Horn (ed.), Platon: Gesetze (Nomoi), Akademie Verlag (2014)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis: "Socrates, the Stranger and Parmenides in Plato's Sophist: Two Troubled Relationships", 292-305 in The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy: Volume 13, Routledge
Larsen, Jens Kristian: «The love of the beloved», Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift, vol. 48, nr. 1: 74-87
Rørstadbotten, Gro: «Sapfo: Krigsidealenes motstemme?» Prosopopeia, 2013, nr.1-2: 8-16.
Sampson, Kristin. "Sôma, technê and the Somatchnics of Sexual Difference" in Somatechnics vol. 3, nr. 2. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2013.
Sampson, Kristin. "The Philosophical Significance of the Figure of Diotima" in NFT vol. 48, nr. 1. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 2013.
Sampson, Kristin. “Identity and Gender in Plato” in Philosophy and Gender (ed. Cressida Hayes), vol. II: Gender and the History of Philosophy. Hoboken: Taylor & Francis: Routledge 2012
Vigdis Songe-Møller, “Heidegger og den andres død” [Heidegger and the death of the other], 245-256 in Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift, Vol 47/4