Panel 1 Heteronormativity and Nation Moderator: Room: Dræggen 4 Time slot: Day 1, 11.45–13.15 |
Alexander Kondakov
Ivana Prazic |
Sexual Citizenship Impossible: The Continuities of Old Discourse in the New Russia
Chinese Indonesian Politics of Citizenship in the Early New Order Period: Racialisation through Homophobia |
Panel 2 Politics of Reproduction, Family and Work Moderator: Room: Dræggen 7 Time slot: Day 1, 11.45–13.15 |
Bente Rosenbeck
Ann-Katrin Hatje |
Democratization of the Private Sphere and the Politics of Reproduction
Pro-Egalitarian Family Policy on the Supranational European Level: An Attempt to Regulate Reproduction in Ageing Welfare Societies
Gendered Citizenship, the Issue of Child Daycare and Women’s Movement. The Example of Sweden in the 20th Century |
Panel 3 Dealing With Gendered Violence Moderator: Room: Dræggen 7 Time slot: Day 1, 15.15–16.45 |
Helle Rydstrøm
Silviya Serafimova
Azra Rashid
Displaced Female Citizens: Male-to-Female Violence, the Family, and Civil Society
Gender and Genocide: A Research Creation Project |
Panel 4 Discourses of Resistance Moderator: Room Dræggen 8
15.15–16.45 |
Liv Helene Willumsen
Trine Rogg Korsvik
Mervi Patosalmi |
The Voices of Women in Witchcraft Trials.
Feminist Man Haters and Puritans? Histories From the Struggle Against Rape and Pornography in France and Norway
Constructing Sexual Agency: Feminism, Choice and Gendered Sexuality
Panel 5 An ambiguous vigilante: The meaning of the condom in private and public sex Moderator: Room: Dræggen 4 Time: Day 2, 11.00-12.30 |
Synnøve Jahnsen
Ida Kock
Sunniva Schultze-Florey |
Getting Screwed Inside or on the Outside of the Law
”I don’t Want Him to Think I’m that Kind of Girl”. Positionality of the Condom in the Privtae and Commercial Sexual Lives of Sex Workers
Norwegian and International xamples of the Role of Safer Sex in the Legal Regulation of Prostitution |
Panel 6 Postcolonial Citizenship and the Figure of Woman: The Case of the Hottentot Venus Moderator: Room: Dræggen 7 Time: Day 2, 11.00–12.30 |
Željka Švrljuga
Jorunn S. Gjerden
Kari Jegerstedt |
The Venus Hottentot is Unavailable for Comment
The French Connection
Politics as Subtraction |
Panel 7 Challenging Discourses on Rights, Belonging and Diversity Moderator: Room: Dræggen 4 Time slot: Day 2, 13.30–15.O0 |
Resa-Philip Lunau
Doris Rosenlechner-Urbanek
Randi Gressgård
Since We Know Humans Only in the Shape of Men and Women
Aporias of Citizenship. Gendered Perspectives on Participation and Inclusion
Sexual Diversity in a Civilisational Frame of Tolerance and Cosmopolitanism
Panel 8 Dealing with Sexual and Cultural Diversity Moderator: Room: Dræggen 7 Time: Day 2, 13.30–15.00 |
Tanti Noor Said
Baukje Prins and
Christel Stormhøj |
Transnational Love, Migration and Kinship: Gay and Transgender Indonesians in the Netherlands and Belgium
Issues of Gender and Sexuality in Multicultural Classrooms
Queer as Critique of Normative Violence and the Ethico-Political Commitments of Queer |