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Organizing Committee


Senior Researcher, Hilde Danielsen, Uni Rokkan Centre, Hilde.Danielsen@uni.no

Associate Professor, Kari Jegerstedt, Centre for Womens and Gender Research, University of Bergen, Kari.Jegerstedt@skok.uib.no

Post Doctor, Ragnhild Louise Muriaas, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen, Ragnhild.Muriaas@isp.uib.no

Researcher II, Brita Ytre-Arne, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen, Brita.Ytre-Arne@infomedia.uib.no



Adviser, Bente Krossøy, University Director´s Office, University of Bergen, Bente.Krossoy@adm.uib.no

Higher Executive Officer, Ingvild Strøm Hansen, Office of Community Relations, University of Bergen, I.Hansen@adm.uib.no