Call for Panels
You are invited to suggest both coordinated panels and individual papers. On this page you can upload information about your panel
In accordance with the broad scope of the conference we welcome panels on topics that include and exceed those that are ultimately tied to participation in the formal political system. Citizens exercise their rights in several ways on a plethora of arenas and we therefore encourage contributions that explore gendered citizenship in various societal contexts. We invite you to take an explorative approach to key concepts such as citizenship, politics and democracy, and emphasise changing theoretical and historical understandings of gender. We hope this expanded understanding of political participation will generate new ideas and knowledge on how citizenship is practiced, debated and negotiated in past and current societies.
We welcome contributions in the range from scholars, Ph.D. candidates to professors.Coordinated panels/workshops should have 3 to 4 participants The conference will have three thematic strands reflected in three parallel sessions running throughout the conference. You should specify which of the following strands your proposal is directed at.
Deadline for submission of abstracts or suggestions for panels/papers is 1st of April 2013
Please upload information about your panel here