Ecological and Environmental Change Research Group


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Birks, H.H. 2003. The importance of plant macrofossils in the reconstruction of Lateglacial vegetation and climate: examples from Scotland, western Norway, and Minnesota, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews 22: 453-473.

Birks, H.H. 2003. Up the wall Up the wall. The Alpine Gardener 71: 279-280.

Birks, H.H. & Birks, H.J.B. 2003. Reconstructing Holocene climates from pollen and plant macrofossils. In: Global Change in the Holocene. Mackay, A., Battarbee, R.W., Birks H.J.B. & Oldfield F. (eds) Arnold, London. pp. 342-357.

Birks, H.J.B. 2003. Quantitative palaeoenvironmental reconstructions from Holocene biological data. In: Global Change in the Holocene. Mackay, A., Battarbee, R.W., Birks H.J.B. & Oldfield F. (eds) Arnold, London. pp. 107-123.

Birks, H.J.B. 2003. Foreword. In: Springs and Flushes. Alison Averis Scottish Natural Heritage, Battleby. p vii.

Birks, H.J.B. 2003. Alpines and Extremes Alpines and Extremes. The Alpine Gardener 71: 86-98.

Birks, H.J.B. & Birks, H.H. 2003. Knut Fægri (1909-2001). Watsonia 24: 462-464.

Birks, H.J.B. & Heegaard, E. 2003. Developments in age-depth modelling of Holocene stratigraphical data. PAGES News 11 (2-3): 7-8.

Bjelland, T. 2003. The influence of environmental factors on the spatial distribution of saxicolous lichens in a Norwegian coastal community. Journal of Vegetation Science 14: 525-534.

Bjelland, T. 2003. Skader eller beskytter lav norske helleristningsfelt? Naturen 127: 70-77.

Bjelland, T. & Kolbjørnsen, M. 2003. Lav ødelegger helleristningene. UiB Magasinet 1/2003: 12-13.

Bjune, A. & Larsen, J. 2003. Arkivet i Innsjøen. AKA 9: 13-13.

Bjune, A., Birks, H.J.B. & Peglar, S.M. 2003. Bruk av pollen til rekonstruksjon av fortidens klima. Cicerone 3/2003: 28-30.

Bjune, A., Nesje, A., Birks, H.J.B., Andersson Dahl, C., Seppä, H. & Jansen, E. 2003. Mer pålitelige rekonstruksjoner av fortidens klima. Cicerone 4/2003: 27-28.

Ferrer-Castán, D. & Vetaas, O.R. 2003. Floristic variation, chorological types and diversity: do they correspond at broad and local scales? Diversity and Distributions 9: 221-235.

Grytnes, J.A. 2003. Ecological interpretations of the mid-domain effect. Ecology Letters 6: 863-888.

Grytnes, J.A. 2003. Species-richness patterns of vascular plants along seven altitudinal transects in Norway. Ecography 26: 291-300.

Grytnes, J.A. & Birks, H.J.B.  2003.The influence of scale and species pool on the relationship between vascular plant species richness and cover in an alpine area in Norway. Plant Ecology 169: 273-284.

Halvorsen, G.A., Heegaard, E., Fjellheim, A. & Raddum, G.G. 2003. Tracing recovery from acidification in the western Norwegian Nausta watershed. Ambio 32: 235-239.

Heiri. O., Birks, H.J.B., Brooks, S.J., Velle, G. & Willassen, E. 2003. Effects of within-lake variability of fossil assemblages on quantitative chironomid-inferred temperature reconstructions. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 199: 95-106.

Henriksen, M., Mangerud, J., Matiouchkov, A., Paus, A. & Svendsen, J.I. 2003. Lake stratigraphy implies an 80,000 year delayed melting of buried dead ice in northern Russia. Journal of Quaternary Science 18: 663-679.

Klanderud, K. & Birks, H.J.B. 2003. Recent increases in species richness and shifts in altitudinal distributions of Norwegian mountain plants. The Holocene 13: 1-6.

Klanderud, K. & Birks, H.J.B. 2003. Nylige endringer i Jotunheimens flora - et resultat av klimforandring? Naturen 127: 61-69.

Larsen, J. 2003. Size distributions and concentrations of spheroidal carbonaceous fly-ash particles (SCPs) in lake sediments as an aid to detecting locally deposited atmospheric pollution. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 149: 163-175.

Larsen, J., Hald, M.,& Birks, H.J.B. 2003. Tar temperature på fortiden. Cicerone 4/2003: 18-23.

Losvik, M.H. 2003. Species-rich hay meadow sites in West Norway: conservation and management. In: Ecosystems and Sustainable Development IV. Volum 2. Tiezzi, E., Brebbia, C.A. & Usó, J.L. (eds) WIT Press, Southampton. 1133-1141.

Lotter, A.F. & Birks, H.J.B. 2003. The Holocene palaeolimnology of Sägistalsee and its environmental history - a synthesis. Journal of Paleolimnology 30: 333-342.

Lotter, A.F. & Birks, H.J.B. 2003. Holocene sediments of Sägistalsee, a small lake at the present-day tree-line in the Swiss Alps. Journal of Paleolimnology 30: 253-260.

Mackay, A., Battarbee, R.W., Birks H.J.B. & Oldfield F. (eds) 2003. Global Change in the Holocene. Arnold, London. 480 pp.

Myklestad, Å. & Sætersdal, M. 2003. Effects of reforestation and intensified land use on vascular plant species richness in traditionally managed hay meadows. Annales Botanici Fennici 40: 423-441.

Paus, Aa., Svenden, J.I., & Matiouchkov, A. 2003. Late Weichselian (Valdaian) and Holocene vegetation and environmental history of the northern Timan Ridge, European Arctic Russia. Quaternary Science Reviews 22: 2285-2302.

Racca, J.M.J., Wild, M., Birks, H.J.B. & Prairie, Y.T. 2003. Separating wheat from chaff: diatom taxon selection using an artificial neural network pruning algorithm. Journal of Paleolimnology 29: 123-133.

Sandvik, S.M. & Heegaard, E. 2003. Effects of simulated environmental changes on growth and growth form in a late snowbed population of Pohlia wahlenbergii (web. et. Mohr) Andr. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research. 35: 341-348

Vandvik, V. & Vange, V. 2003. Germination ecology of the clonal herb Knautia arvensis: regeneration strategy and geographic variation. Journal of Vegetation Science 14: 591-600.

Whittaker, R.J. & Heegaard, E. 2003. What is the observed relationship between species richness and productivity? Comment. Ecology 84: 3384-3390.