Advanced Climate Dynamics Courses (norsk)


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ACDC 2017 details

The online application for ACDC 2017 is now closed. The summer school will take place from September 10th – 22nd. The venue is Rondvassbu in Rondane National Park, Norway. This years topic is The Dynamics of the Seasonal Cycle.



Target: Advanced PhD candidates and early career scientists.

Goal: To mix students and lecturers with empirical and dynamical training within
climate science and focus on understanding the basic principles and dynamics of the
seasonal cycle across different timescales. This summer we will explore what we can
learn from the largest reoccurring change in Earth´s climate.

ECTS: Praticipants will receive 4 ECTS credits for the course

Including topics:


Historical and future changes in the seasonal cycle

Circulation and climate variability

Snow, ice, and glaciers


Application process: The online application is closed.

If you have any questions, please contact acdc@uib.no

Confirmed lecturers: Peter Huybers (Harvard), David Battisti (University of Washington), Camille Li (UiB), Iselin Medhaug (UiB/ETH Zurich), Jake Gebbie (WHOI), Kerim H. Nisancioglu (UiB/UiO), Øyvind Paasche (UiB), Axel Timmermann (IBS) and Zan Stine (SFSU).

Practical information

Updated information on the venue is found HERE and wil be continually updated.


A draft of the program can be found here.