Fish Neuroscience
The brain is the integrator of external and internal signals and its proper function is dependent on normal brain development.
Present knowledge of morphological, genetic, physiological and behavioural processes in key target fish species during critical neural developmental periods is inadequate and often not existent. Understanding brain development and the manifestations of "unnatural" rearing environments will provide an important framework to evaluate impacts and find solutions to key critical phases in the culture of marine teleosts and salmon. To date this knowledge is very limited yet where it has been investigated it is clear that environmental conditions impact brain development. One advantage of looking at the brain is that it integrates information from the whole body and therefore allows for a broader analysis of a given situation. Together Uni Environment and BIO, with national and international experts, are working together to advance the field of fish neuroscience in Norway related to relevant Norweigian species in aquaculture, restoration biology and fisheries through the Fish Neuroscience Network.
Research team: Lars Ebbesson, Vidar Helvik, Tom Nilsen, Ivar Rønnestad, Sigurd Stefansson and Valentina Tronci.