Anna Ksienzyk
Post-Doc, VISTA scholar
The post-Caledonian tectonic history of SW Norway: Low-temperature thermochronology (fission track and (U-Th)/He dating) and K/Ar dating of illites from fault gouges
Projects: Utsira transect, FT-Bergen, ESM
Lithosphere – ice sheet interactions in Antarctica: Low-temperature thermochronology (fission track and (U-Th)/He dating) around Jutulstraumen and Schirmacher Oasis
Projects: ...
Provenance studies of Rodinia fragments: U/Pb dating of detrital zircons from metasediments of the Northampton Complex in Western Australia and the Maud Belt in East Antarctica
Projects: WALAHARI
2012 PhD, University of Bergen, Norway
Thesis: From mountains to basins: geochronological case studies from southwestern Norway, Western Australia and East Antarctica
2006 MSc (Diplom) in Geology, University of Bremen, Germany
Thesis: Detrital zircon ages of metasedimentary rocks from the Northampton Complex, Western Australia
Mapping project: Ignimbrites of the central Peloncillo Mountains, SW New Mexico: the missing eastern half of the Oligocene Portal Caldera?
GEOV 252 Feltkurs i geologisk kartlegging (Geologic mapping), Elba Island, Italy, from 2006 to present
GEOV 341 Termokronologi og tektonikk (Thermochronology and tectonics), from 2008 to present
GEOV 104 Innføring i strukturgeologi og tekktonikk, øvelser (Introduction to structural geology and tectonics, lab), from 2007 to 2010