Kvartærgeologi & Paleoklima


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This is a multidisciplinary approach that applies concepts and methods of earth sciences in connection with archaeological studies of past human lives and cultures.

Excavation - Kostenki, Russia.
Excavation - Kostenki, Russia.
John Inge Svendsen


There has been a long tradition that members of the research group participate in interdisciplinary work together with archaeologists, zoologists and botanists, especially during excavations of prehistoric sites. This field-based research includes documentation and interpretation of stratigraphic contexts, geochronology and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. The research group is currently involved in archaeological investigations of Palaeolithic sites in Russia and South Africa as well as younger sites that recently have been discovered at retreating ice patches in the mountain areas of southern Norway.

Secrets of the Ice

Professor Atle Nesje cooperates with glacier archaeologists on dating of findings of organic remains and man-made artefacts melting out of high-lying ice patches in Jotunheimen, central south Norway. For details see: secretsoftheice.com and the Facebook page ‘Secrets of the ice’.