These are the PhD-students affiliated with ABE:
Current PhD-students
Anne-Laure Groison @
Reproductive biology of hake (Merluccius merluccius, L., 1758) and its growth potential in the early life stage.
Advisor: Anne Christine Utne Palm & Audrey Geffen (F&H).
Line of study: Fish life history
Ole Folkedal @
Stress coping in farmed salmon.
Advisor: Anders Fernö & Tore Kristiansen (IMR).
Line of study: Fish behaviour
Eli Haugland @
From clusters to individuals: Behavioural effects on survey strategies.
Advisor: Anders Fernö.
Line of study: Fish acustic surveys
Jon Magerøy @
Parasite utilization and alteration of their habitat, i.e. their host
Advisor: Per Johan Jakobsen & Knut Helge Jensen.
Line of study: Parasitology
Olav Moberg @
The life history trade-off between immune function and brain development.
Advisor: Anne Gro Vea Salvanes, Arne Skorping og Victoria Braithwaite (Penn State).
Line of study: Effect of immunity on cognition and behaviour
Bishnu Prasad Regmi @
Ecological role of Chaoborus flavicans in lakes and ponds with and without fish.
Advisor: Petter Larsson.
Line of study: Dipteran ecology.
Ronald P. Semyalo @
Effects of cyanobacteria on growth, survival, distribution and behaviour of O. niloticus and Daphnia lumholtzi.
Advisor: Petter Larsson.
Line of study: Feeding ecology
Helge Skoglund @
Effects of timing and temperature on post-emergent performance of Atlantic salmon and brown trout.
Advisor: Bjørn Barlaup (UNIFOB), Per Johan Jakobsen & Sigurd Einum (NTNU).
Line of study: Fish ecology
Arved Staby @
Investigating swimming dynamics and feeding behaviour of mesopelagic fish in the Benguela current system and a Norwegian fjord using acoustics.
Advisor: Anne Gro Vea Salvanes, Anders Fernö, Anne Christine Utne Palm & Stein Kaartvedt.
Line of study: Fish behaviour
Kjell Utne @
Distribution and tropic interactions between planktivorous pelagic fish in the Norwegian Sea.
Advisor: Anders Fernö.
Line of study: Fish acustic surveys
PhD-students graduated in 2008
Sigrid Haande
Harmful blue-green algal blooms in developing countries: A threat to development?
Advisor: Petter Larsson.
Line of study: Feeding ecology
Jonatan Nilsson
Learning in farmed fish.
Advisor: Anders Fernö.
Line of study: Fish behaviour.
PhD students graduated in 2007
Bjørn Axelsen
Acustic identification and stock estimation of horse mackerel.
Advisor: Anders Fernö.
Line of study: Fish acustic surveys