Seminar in honour of Anne Magurran
University of Bergen awarded Professor Anne Magurran an honorary doctorate on August 31. To mark this event, a seminar in her honour was arranged on August 30. In addition to a keynote talk by Professor Magurran, exciting local research was portrayed.
Seminar in honour of Anne Magurran
Time and place: August 30, 10:15-13:30, VilVite Science Center, big auditorium, Thormøhlensgate 51, Bergen
Professor Anne Magurran, from the University of St Andrews, Scotland, is a world-leading authority in biodiversity research and evolutionary and behavioural ecology, particularly in fishes. She is the author of many important books, including Ecological Diversity and Its Measurement (1998), Measuring Biological Diversity (2004), Evolutionary Ecology: The Trinidadian Guppy (2005), and Biological Diversity: Frontiers in Measurement and Assessment (2010, with Brian J. McGill).
Here at the Department of Biology, University of Bergen, we share many of her passions. This seminar was arranged in honour of Professor Magurran the day prior to the award ceremony, and included a keynote talk from Professor Magurran as well as short talks representing local talent.
10:15–11:00 Anne Magurran: Biological diversity in a changing world
11:00–11:15 break
11:15–11:30 Arne Skorping: Evolutionary effects of intensive farming on parasite life histories and virulence
11:30–11:45 Amy Eycott: Effects of fragmentation on Ugandan forest species groups
11:45–12:00 Vivian Astrup Felde: Biodiversity relationships between vegetation and modern pollen samples
12:00–12:15 Beatriz Diaz Pauli: Selectivity of fishing gear on behaviour
12:15–12:30 break
12:30–12:45 John Birks: Biodiversity changes in Q-time
12:45–13:00 Lise Øvreås: Microbial biodiversity. Facts and fiction
13:00–13:15 Anne Gro Vea Salvanes: The adaptation and behavior of the Benguela goby to low oxygen environments
13:15–13:30 Olav Moberg: Environmental effects on learning and behaviour
Organizers: Anne Gro Vea Salvanes, John-Arvid Grytnes, and Mikko Heino.