Best paper prize
20th European Business History Association (EBHA) / 1rst World Business History Conference
Business History Around the World: Today and Tomorrow
University of Bergen, Norway, 25-27 August 2016
The European Business History Association (EBHA) holds a prize competition for the best paper presented at its annual congress. This tradition will continue at the 20th Congress of the European Business History Association/1rst World Business History Conference in Bergen.
The prize consists of a certificate and a cash prize of €250.00. The winner will be announced and the prize presented at the annual meeting’s congress dinner.
Papers that meet all of the following three criteria are eligible:
1) Papers must be on European business and their activity in, or interaction with, other parts of the world;
2) the paper adheres to the maximum length of 6,000 words set below;
3) the paper is uploaded to the conference website on or before the deadline of 8 August 2016.
The term “European business history” is defined broadly, but it refers here to the topic of the paper, NOT to the author’s nationality or place of residence.
The procedure for nominating papers is as follows:
• The best paper prize committee for the 2016 conference will assess all papers included on the conference web site as a PDF file by the deadline indicated below for eligibility using the criteria outlined above. There is no need for authors, chairs, or discussants to nominate papers.
• Papers will only be considered by the committee if they follow these guidelines:
The paper must be no longer than 20 pages of A4, double spaced, and with a minimum 12-point font size. This amounts to 6,000 words
Authors should note that the maximum length includes any references and bibliography. To this may be appended, in addition, tables, graphs, or pictures.
The paper must be uploaded to the conference web site as a PDF file no later than 8 August 2016 in order to be considered.
• Members of the best paper prize committee are ineligible for the prize.
Members of the 2016 EBHA Best Paper Prize Committee:
Paloma Fernández Pérez, Universitat de Barcelona (Spain). Chair
Jari Ojala, Jyväskylä University (Finland)
Teresa Da Silva Lopes, York University (United Kingdom)
Andrea Colli, Bocconi University (Italy)
The best paper prize committee’s decision is final, and it reserves the right not to award a prize in any given year.