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Assessment and Training Tools

A list of the different training and assessment tools that were used in the project.




Computer based training tools

Ask, I. (2002). Aski Raski. Sandnes: Ingrid Ask.

Heimann, M., Lundälv, M., Tjus, T., & Nelson, K. E. (2004). Omega-Is (version 2.1) (Version 2.1). Gøteborg: Topic Data och Språkbehandling HB.

Helland, T. (undated version). Talk, write, read! A training programme for dyslexic children. Bergen: University of Bergen.

Karma, K. (1998). Audilex. A computer game and test to diagnose and train auditory/temporal matching. Helsinki: Comp-Aid.

NorMedia. (undated version). På landet [In the countryside]. Nesoddtangen: NorMedia.

Scientific Learning Corporation, I. (2002). Fast ForWord, Language Quick Start. Oakland, California.

Utgård, T. (1997). Min verden. Oslo: Nasjonalt Læremiddelsenter.


Assessment tools

Andreassen, T. H., & Øksenholt, S. I. (2002). Våletesten [The Vaale Test]

Bishop, D. V. M. (1989). Test for reception of grammar. 2008 Norwegian translation by Solveig-Alma Lyster (2nd ed.). Manchester: University of Manchester: The Author, Age and Cognitive Research Centre.

Bishop, D. V. M. (2003). The Children’s Communication Checklist. Second Edition (CCC-2). London: The Psychological Corporation.

Dunn, L. M., Dunn, D. M., & Styles, B. (2003). British Picture Vocabulary Scale: 3rd Edition.

Ege, B. (1984). Ringstedmaterialet. En procedure til undersøkelse af børns realiserbare sprog. Herning: Special-pedagogisk forlag A/S.


Holbye, S. A. H. (2009). TextPilot. Bergen: Include as.

Hugdahl, K. (undated version). Stroop Test. Bergen: University of Bergen.

Hugdahl, K., & Asbjørnsen, A. E. (1994). Dikotisk lyssning med CV-stavelser : manual.[Hägersten]: Psykologiförl.

Kaasa, R., Sanne, S., & Helland, T. (2004). The English 2 Dyslexia Test. Bergen, Norway: www.vesttest.no.

Klinkenberg, J. E., & Skaar, E. (2001). STAS. Standardisert test i avkoding og staving [Standardised test in decoding and spelling]. Hønefoss: Pedagogisk-psykologisk tjeneste.

Lyster, S. A. H., Tingleff, H., & Tingleff, Ø. (2002). Ringeriksmaterialet [The Ringerik Test]. Oslo: Damm.

Meyers, J. E., & Meyers, K., R. (1995). Rey Complex Figure Test and Recognition Trial. Odessa, Fl.: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.

Singleton, C. H., Thomas, K., & Leedale, R. (2001). Lucid CoPS Cognitive Profiling System (Version 2nd). Oslo: NorMedia.

Sivertsen, R. (1992). Aston Index (Norwegian version) (R. Sivertsen, Trans. 2nd ed.). Oslo: Skolepsykologi - Materiellservice.

Taube, K., Torneus, M., & Lundberg, I. (1984). Läsning och skrivning: Handledning för kartlägging och utvekling. Norwegian translation [Reading and writing: Handbook for assessment and development]. Stockholm: Psychologiförlaget.

Wechsler, D. (2002). Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence™ – Third Edition (WPPSI™ – III) (3 ed.): Pearson.

Wechsler, D. (2003). WISC-III. Norwegian version. Stockholm: Assessio Norge AS.