Nyhetsarkiv for Genetisk epidemiologi
Stefan De Vogel has published an article at the journal of Cancer, biomarkers & prevention where he shows that high plasma concentrations of methionine and betaine, and vitamins B2 and B6 may reduce risk of developing colorectal adenomas. In addition to B-vitamins, methyl group donors such as methionine and betaine may play a role in colorectal carcinogenesis.
- august 2016 (2)
- februar 2016 (1)
- mai 2015 (1)
- februar 2015 (1)
- desember 2013 (1)
- april 2013 (2)
- august 2012 (1)
- november 2011 (1)
- oktober 2011 (2)
- mai 2009 (1)