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Salivary glands

Gene expression in salivary glands of Sjögren´s syndrome


The aim of this study was to identify genes that were differentially expressed in the salivary glands of patients with primary Sjögren´s syndrome compared to healthy controls, as well as in an experimental Sjögren´s syndrome mouse model, in order to elicit the genes involved and the pathways activated in the salivary glands of both human and mice with a Sjögren syndrome like disease. Furthermore, a mapping of the salivary gland proteome and identification of differentially expressed proteins in the salivary glands of primary Sjögren´s syndrome was conducted.

Interestingly, a distinct difference in gene expression levels of the minor salivary glands were found, enabling a simple class prediction method to correctly classify19 of 20 samples as either patient or control, based on the top 5 differentially expressed genes.

Professor Anne Isine Bolstad, Department of Clinical Dentistry - Periodontics
Professor Roland Jonsson, Broegelmanns Research Laboratory, The Gade Institute,
Trond Ove R. Hjelmervik, PhD
