Bea goes to California
EvoFisher Beatriz Diaz Pauli is visiting the Sih lab at UC Davis, California. The 5-months research stay is funded by the Leiv Eiriksson mobility grant and is aimed at starting collaboration between Prof. Andy Sih’s lab and EvoFish.
While in Davis I’m working with Andy Sih and Sean Ehlman in a behavioural assay of our Norwegian guppies (from our selected lines). We will study whether size-selective fishing may alter behavioural traits, such as activity, sociability, predation avoidance and dispersal. In addition, our selected lines will be compared to guppy populations from high and low predation sites in Trinidad present at Davis. Therefore, we’ll be able to compare guppy populations exposed to two different size-selection regimes: 1) via fishing under experimental conditions (via fishing) and 2) via predators in their natural habitats.