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The Organisation Development Project

The aim of The Organisation Development Project is to develop and enhance the administrative services to best support the university’s main tasks within the fields of research, education and dissemination. The project is based on the rectorate team’s electoral platform.



During the autumn of 2013, the rectorate team met with all the faculties and the administrative departments. Following these meetings, an organisation development project was initiated at The University of Bergen.

An appointed work group has outlined which services and forms of expertise will be needed from the administrative departments in the future, on the basis of the many useful comments and suggestions from the faculties and administrative departements. The work group has completed systematised the suggestions, and submitted a final report to the steering committee for The Organisation Development Project. The areas to be prioritised will be decided by the steering committee on 20 June.


Project organisation

Overall responsibility for the project lies with the steering committee. This committee, led by pro-rector Anne Lise Fimreite, has broad representation from many groups within the university. A project group, led by project supervisor Kari Fuglseth, is responsible for coordinating the project and implementing the measures decided on.

Each prioritised area will be assigned a work group with coordinating and executive responsibilities within their respective areas.