MIC-seminar: "Super Resolution Microscopy - Principles and Applications"
MIC is happy to announce the seminar "Super Resolution Microscopy - Principles and Applications", 9th of September 2014, 13:00-14:00 (Aud4, BBB).
The lecture will be given by assosiate professor Hans Gunnar Blom, a leading specialist in super resolution imaging. He is doing research in super resolution imaging and its applications in life sciences, and he is also a facility manager at the national bioscience hub Science for Life laboratory (http://www.scilifelab.se/facilities/alm/) in Stockholm, where they harbor several super resolution systems.
Super resolution imaging is a group of technologies that bridges the resolution gap between confocal and electron microscopy, but the samples are still prepared the same way as for fluorescence imaging. With confocal imaging the best resolution possible is around 250 nm due to the diffraction limit, this has now been broken and super resolution imaging can bring it down to less than 50 nm. Structures inside the cell are thereby considerably better resolved. Relevant reviews can be downloaded under attachments.
Molecular Imaging Center (MIC), Dept. of Biomedicine, aims to bring this technology to Bergen, and in case we succeed, open access of the instrumentation will be provided to all researchers. We will apply for such instrumentation in the upcoming NFR Infrastructure call, in a collaborative grant application with other Norwegian imaging facilities.
We very much appreciate if those of you that find this technology beneficial for your own research will contribute with a short description of a potential project that can be implemented into the NFR application (deadline 15th of Oct.). Please fill your contribution into this form: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=700130