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Training component - PhD

The training component of the PhD is 30 credits and shall contain academic and methodical training.


The training component of the doctoral programme consists of 30 credits (ECTS). Credits exceeding 30 will not be included in the training component. The remaining part of the PhD period (2.5 years of full-time work) shall be used for the candidate's project. UiB courses will still be included in the Transcript of Grades from UiB.

The training component should include training in scientific dissemination, theory of science and ethics, as well as training in topics relevant to the candidate’s project. The training component should, in combination with the research, contribute to achieving the learning outcomes as described in the Programme Description. At the Faculty of Medicine, the Midway Evaluation is also part of the training component. Please note that the training component should be planned in close collaboration with the supervisor; and should contain both scientific methodology and theory giving the candidate a deeper and wider understanding of their own field, as well as the more general scientific context.

A plan for the training component shall be included in the application for admission to the PhD programme, but in many cases, this plan will change during the course of the PhD period. Changes shall be made in consultation with the supervisor. You can apply to have elements of the training component approved several times, form available here: https://www.uib.no/mofa/en/research/doctoral-education/forms-doctoral-education.

Deadline for approval of the training component

The training component must be complete and approved before an application to submit the thesis can be made. It is recommended that the training component is completed at least six months before the planned submission. Applications for approval of the training component cannot be processed if the PhD period is not valid.

The training component's compulsory part

  • Ethics and health research: MEDMET901 7 credits ECTS. This course includes topics in the philosophy of science, research ethics and scientific methods. Equivalent courses from other institutions may be approved on application. (MEDMET900 (6 credits) was taught for the last time in Autumn 2023. MEDMET1 (8 credits) was taught for the last time in Spring 2021)
  • Dissemination activities equivalent to 6 credits (see below). Approved jointly under the course code FORMIDL901. All dissemination activities must be documented at the same time. Dissemination work exceeding 6 credits cannot be included in the training component.
  • Midway evaluation is compulsory and should be arranged around halfway through the PhD period. This may not be included under dissemination activities. Completed midway evaluation is rewarded 1 credit in the training component.
  • For candidates whose research project includes the use of laboratory animals, training in the use of laboratory animals in medical research is mandatory, if they do not already have this certification. Equivalent courses from other institutions may be approved on application.

Documentation requirements for dissemination activities

ActivityCreditsRequired documentation

Participation in national or regional conferences with a presentation (poster or oral presentation).

  • Presentation at the «Forskningsdagene (NRC)» can be included.
  • National conferences abroad are considered National conferences.
  • Presentations at institutional level will not be approved as national/regional conference.

1 credit per submission. Maximum 3 credits.

Different elements from the PhD project must be presented. An identical submission presented on several occasions will only count once, unless presented both as a poster and an oral presentation. Please use UiB logo on presentations and posters.


  • The submission (poster, abstract, PowerPoint presentation etc.) and,
  • The programme for the conference (and any excerpts from the abstract book) including participants, date, place and the event organiser, and confirmation of contribution from the conference organiser, if not shown in the programme

Participation in an international conference with a submission (poster or oral presentation).

In order to be approved as an international conference, the conference must draw both international participants and lecturers from a number of countries.


2 credits per submission. Maximum 6 credits.


Different elements from the PhD project must be presented. An identical submission presented on several occasions will only count once, unless presented both as a poster and an oral presentation. Please use UiB logo on presentations and posters.


  • The submission (poster, abstract, PowerPoint presentation etc.) and,
  • The programme for the conference (and any excerpts from the abstract book) containing participants, date, place and the event organiser, and confirmation of  contribution from the conference organiser if not shown in the programme

Original academic or popular-scientific lecture topic (at least 30 minutes) or teaching (lab/clinical lecture)

  • Lectures given at internal meetings or events (at UiB or the candidate's workplace) cannot be approved as an original lecture 

1 credit per session. Maximum 3 credits.

Only 1 credit is given per session even if it is a double session.


  • Confirmation from the course supervisor/organiser including the scope, date, title of the lecture and who the audience were

Popular science article / feature article/interview within your own academic discipline, a Wikipedia article (min. 1,000 words), or an academic article that is not part of the basis for admission or part of the dissertation.

1 credit per article. Maximum 2 credits.




  • The article/feature article for publication in a newspaper
  • For the Wikipedia article, you must also enclose documentation showing how the article looked when it was published, with the date
  • For interviews, a brief reflection (1/2 page) must be submitted. Interview must be on topic related to the candidate’s field of research

The training component's elective part

A number of activities and courses can be approved in the elective part of the training component.

Research courses
Research courses can be organised by universities or university colleges in Norway or abroad. Please note that courses under 1 ECTS credits will not be approved.

On application, research courses given by institutions not using ECTS standards, may be approved. Approval requires that course documentation be submitted (schedule, course description and syllabus/reading list), in addition to documentation that the candidate has successfully completed the course. These courses must be at master or PhD level and the candidate should always discuss with the supervisor to decide if the course is at an adequate level.

Course credits are calculated in accordance with ECTS standardisation (1 credit per 25-30 hours' work incl. self-study and the examination). Please note that short courses (<25 hours) will not be approved and that several smaller courses cannot be combined. Half credits will not be awarded.

Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to approve these types of courses in advance.

Individual syllabus
Where no courses or other opportunities for training within the candidate's field of research are available, an individual syllabus (special syllabus) can be approved following submission of an advance application to the Programme Board for research training. A description of the special syllabus making it possible to assess the content, level and scope must be included in the application. The examination is conducted by the supervisor with an examiner appointed by the department.

Research stay at other institutions
If the candidate travels to another research institution to learn techniques, conduct experiments or engage in other academic activities, the stay may be approved as part of the training component's elective part. After returning, a report about the stay must be submitted (signed by the candidate and supervisor) in addition to a confirmation from the host institution regarding the duration of the stay and its content. The stay must have a minimum of two weeks duration.

Clinical specialty approved in Norway
Up to one specialty in medicine or dentistry approved in Norway may be approved. Other specialties may also be considered if a master’s degree is required for admission to the specialisation. Awarded credits can be adjusted depending on the specialty’s workload.

Documentation requirements for elective part

ActivityCreditsRequired documentation

Research course that qualifies for credits at a university or university college

Credited with the specified number of credits.

  • Course diploma/transcript

Research courses at other institutions for which credits have not been calculated

ECTS standardisation (1 credit per 25-30 hours' work incl. syllabus and examination)

  • course description
  • reading list with number of pages
  • schedule
  • confirmation of course completion from the course organiser

Individual reading list

300 pages gives 1 credit. Maximum 5 credits.


  • Reading list with the number of pages
  • Substantiated application from the candidate and principal supervisor with a description of the level and scope
  • Recommendation from the department where the level and scope have been assessed

Study or research stay at an institution abroad

1.5 credits/week. Maximum 6 credits.

  • Report on the stay, signed by the candidate and supervisor
  • Confirmation from the host institution

Approved clinical specialty in medicine or dentistry

5 credits

Credits are given for up to one clinical specialty. Specialties for other professions than medicine /dentistry based on separate assessment, see above.


Examinations or other activities which took place more than 5 years before admission to the PhD programme cannot be included in the training component. Approval of specialist education, the laboratory animal science course for researchers, and training components completed as part of the completed medical student research training programme, are exempt from the 5-year rule (provided the PhD project is a direct continuation of the student project).

Elective courses at master level (UiB 300 level or equivalent at other institutions) can be included (max. 10 credits ECTS). Courses at a lower level can only be included under exceptional circumstances, and only if approved by the Programme Board. UiB-courses at 200 level is included in courses that must be applied to the Programme Board to include in the training component.