Makerere/UiB collaboration
Longstanding cooperation and future possibilities
Makerere University and the University of Bergen have collaborated in research, teaching and in administrative affairs for over 25 years. In 2014 a new 10 year extensive frame agreement was signed, underlining the interest of both institutions to continue and strengthen this collaboration.
We would like to invite all faculty and staff at UiB previosly or currently involved in project cooperation with Makerere, or with an interest establishing cooperation in the future. The seminar will provide an overview of the history, of ongoing collaboration and provide some lines into the future.
13.00 Opening by the Vice Rector of International Affairs, Professor Anne Christine Johannessen
13.15 The Past: the first 25 years of the Mak-UiB collaboration, Andreas Steigen, Associate Professor, Department of Biology
13.30 The collaboration in administrative affairs, Thelma Kraft, Senior Executive Officer, Department of Biology
13.45 Coffee break
14.15 The present: ongoing (or recently completed) collaborative projects (5 minutes each)
- Student exchange, Department of Student Affairs
- The library collaboration. Academic Librarian Ane Landøy
- The Matrix project. Professor Vigdis Vandvik
- Greenwood Research Consortium. Associate Professor Andreas Steigen
- NORHED project: Building and reflecting on interdisciplinary PhD studies for higher education transformation. Associate Professor Tor Halvorsen
- NORHED project: WIMEA-ICT: Improving Weather Information Management in East Africa. Associate Professor Khalid Mughal (for project leader Joachim Reuder)
- NORHED project: Hi-TRAIN: Health Informatics Training and Research in East Africa. Associate Professor Khalid Mughal
- FP7-project: Multi-disciplinary University Traditional Health Initiative (MUTHI): Building Sustainable Research Capacity on Plants for Better Public Health in Africa. Professor Øyvind Andersen
- NORHED project: Borderland dynamics in East Africa. A network program for capacity building within departments of social anthropology in East African Universities, Professor Leif Manger
- NORHED project: Water and Society (WaSo Africa). Institutional capacity building in water management and climate change adaption in the Nile Basin, Tore Sætersdal, Assistant Director, UiB Global
- NORHED project: SURVIVAL PLUSS: Increasing capacity for mama-baby survival in post-conflict Uganda and South Sudan. Professor Thorkild Tylleskär
15.15 The future: The next 25 years of the collaboration
Panel discussion with current project leaders
16.00 Closing
Please feel free to share this invitation with people in your network.