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Legal Issues

DigUiB is working to clarify legal issues in the use of digital resources, in relation to examinations, teaching, research and dissemination.

Tavle med tekst om Creative commons
Mange juridiske spørsmål må avklares og informeres om for å gjøre bruken av digitale læringsressurs trygg.
Universitetet i Bergen/Helge Skodvin


Involved in this work are University lawyers in the central administrative departments and the expertise and resources of the University Library. The work on legal issues is largely dependent on agreements, cooperation and legislation at national or supranational level.

Relevant fields of work and services:

  • Legal issues related to digital examinations and assessment
  • Consent and privacy
  • Copyright and clarification of the right to use various digital resources.
  • Legal issues related to the rights of staff and students to their own work.
  • Preparation and publication of information and guidelines.