Organisation of BSRS
Bergen Summer Research School is a joint initiative by the five institution of higher education and research in Bergen. Every summer since 2008, the research school has welcomed p to 100 PhD students from all over the world to spend two weeks in Bergen.
Bergen Summer Research School is governed by a steering committee with representatives appointed by the leaders of the partners institutions. The steering committee makes decisions about the budget, provides guidelines for scholarships, approves accounts, and makes principled decisions about BSRS. The steering committee meets once every semester and is chaired by the representative from UiB.
A working group is appointed by the chair of the steering committee. The group has representatives from each of the partner institutions, the leader of the scientific director of the previous research school and the BSRS secretariat. The working group appoints the scientific director for each edition of the research school, approves the courses and invite new research groups to develop courses for the pool of courses.
A new scientific committee formed every year, with the course leaders under the leadership of the Scientific Director. The committee is responsible for planning the scientific content of each year's research school.
The scientific director and the BSRS secretariat form the organising committee for the planning and implementation of the research school.