
Nyhetsarkiv for Energilaboratoriet

Wind energy has a very high potential for improvement, especially with regard to wake effects of the turbines within large wind farms. This work focuses the emphasis on potential of aerodynamically optimized wind park layouts and wake steering through yaw angle control.
Did you miss Jonas Solbakken and Velaug Myrseth Oltedal's presentation of HyValue? Watch it here!
In the "green -transition"  managing electricity demand is increasing significantly, especially when new types of renewable electricity production (wind, solar) are intermittent.  How are we going to ensure security of electricity supply in the future? Does the EU's proposed network code for Demand-response provide a (part?) solution?
Verden har vært gjennom en koronaepidemi. Russland har invadert Ukraina i en krig som har drept titusenvis av soldater og sivile. Europa er blitt kastet ut i en energikrise med skyhøye priser på strøm og gass. Har omveltningene etter 2019 gjort noe med norske holdninger til vindkraft?