Micro-Computed Tomography
The Micro-CT core facility, located at the Department of Clinical Dentistry, is available to both internal (UiB) and external users.
Computer Tomography is a non-destructive inspection technique based on differences in absorption or attenuation of X-Rays through the material. The CT-technique provides a 3-D data-set of the sample. The attenuation of X-Rays depends on the atomic number, density and thickness of the material and on the energy of the X-Ray beam. Non-destructive inspection of internal structure, tomo-density analysis, size, and volumetric measurements are possible on the 2-D as well as 3-D images.
The Skyscan 1172 is a high-resolution desktop X-ray micro-CT system for small samples.
- material science
- biology
- micro-electronics
Technical details:
- X ray tube: closed 100kV source
- Voltage: 100kV
- Power: 10w (0-250uA)
- Min focal spot size: less than 8 um
- Detector
- Resolution: <0.5um
- Pixels: 4000x2300
- Field of view: 25x 50 mm
- Manipulator
- Vertical axis: 61.5 mm
- Horizontal axis: 0.3 to 34.8 um pixel size
- Max object length: 100 mm
- Max scan length: 68 mm
- 3 position filter changer: 0.5 mm Al/Al+Cu
- Software for 2D/3D image analysis, bone morphology and visualization
The micro-CT room is located in the Biological laboratory, 4th floor IKO, Årstadveien 19
For internal users at UiB, the price is 400 kr per hour for scanning and 500 kr per hour with assistance for analysis.
For external users, the price is 600 kr per hour for scanning and 700 kr per hour with assistance for analysis. In addtion, there will be 25% VAT (value added tax) in your payment.
Biological lab leader: Prof. Kamal Mustafa Kamal.Mustafa@uib.no