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NeuroAgeGroup is a centre dedicated to understanding and treating age-related neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer and Parkinsons's disease.

Morphological analysis of brain sections

A new mitochondrial gene causing neurodegeneration and amyloid deposition in the brain

In this study we established for the first time a direct link between an altered mitochondrial function and amyloid neurodegeneration.

Dopamine transporter (DAT) imaging shows the uptake of a radioactive tracer in the nigrostriatal terminals.

Ground-breaking studies by NeuroAge researchers show that the substantia nigra can be devastated by mitochondrial dysfunction without giving parkinsonism!

In these studies, we show that although mitochondrial dysfunction causes severe loss of substantia nigra neurones, patients do not develop any features of Parkinson's disease. The findings confirm the extreme vulnerability of the substantial nigra to mitochondrial dysfunction, but raise huge...