Fattigdom, språk og media (POLAME)
POLAME-prosjektet: Gjesteforelesning

Kan 'sentiment analysis' si noe om avisartiklenes objektivitet?

The Newswriter Objectivity Utopia: Exploring Features for Sentiment Analysis on News Articles


Have you found yourself feeling supportive or opposing of public figures or policies after reading the news?

Such scenario of persuasiveness is not uncommon in natural languages due to the rhetoric effect of some texts. However, persuasive is not how one would normally tag news articles that are claimed to be objective such as those in the economy or politics sections of dailies.

This work explores the discursive and lexico-grammatical features that unveil the newswriter’s subjectivity, if any. We also have the machine learn these features and predict the newswriter’s position, just as a human would do. The results are interesting and shed light on opinion trends in news articles suggesting what could be seen as thenewswriter objectivity utopia.


Forelesningen holdes på engelsk
