Bærekraftskonferansen i Bergen

Lurer du på å holde et arrangement under Day Zero 2024?

Er du student eller jobber du i akademia, forskning, sivilsamfunnet, for en ideell organisasjon eller et lite selskap – og er du nysgjerrig på å organisere et arrangement for å diskutere bærekraftig utvikling under Dag Zero 2024?

Call for abstracts at Day Zero, SDG Conference Bergen 2024


Møtet holdes på engelsk — kom til Bergen Global eller bli med på Zoom

Whether you have previously hosted an event or are curious about what Day Zero is, join us for an informal meeting to discuss your ideas, ask questions or just get inspiration to host your own event under Day Zero 2024.

Dorothy Dankel (Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)), Camilla A. Borrevik (Division of Research and Innovation) and Tord Rø (Global Challenges) of the Day Zero committee will answer whatever questions you may have.

Day Zero is a free, all-digital day of events on the day before the SDG Conference plenary programme starts. It is an opportunity to organise creative spaces (workshops, exhibitions, debates, etc.) to test your ideas or present your work of relevance to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Your Day Zero event will be streamed on the conference platform to a potential worldwide audience.  

At this workshop, we will answer practical and technical questions about how to organise a digital/hybrid event, issues to consider when you want to engage a digital audience, but also how participation at Day Zero can benefit you, your research, and your network.

This meeting is open to all interested from insitutions all over the world.