Action plan NIA 2023-2026
Core Objectives:
- Maintain and advocate NIA’s role as a national infrastructure for researchers and students within the Norwegian universities and colleges (UHR-sector) who wish to conduct research, teaching and disseminating of knowledge about the Greek world and related topics within the specter of humanities, social sciences, and the arts from antiquity to recent times.
- Fulfil scientific and administrative obligations towards the Greek state according to the status of NIA as a Foreign Archaeological School in Greece (annual meeting and archaeological reports, preservation and safeguarding of the antiquities, publications of the archaeological excavation results, outreach).
- Foster closer ties with the Norwegian UHR sector by building long-term thematic areas in form of research- and teaching projects, lecture series and related events (archaeology, classics, digital humanities, heritage, social sciences).
- Work upon NIAs values and the legacy already created since the 1980s so as to attract younger Norwegian scholars to become the next generation of archaeologists and academics with strong presence in Greece.
Priority area A Research:
- Encourage and facilitate Norwegian archaeologists as well as other scholars from the humanities, social sciences, and the arts to continue working in Greece, lecturing at NIA, publishing their results and fulfil commitments towards the Greek Ministry of Culture (if applicable).
- Use external funding/income whenever possible for research and collaboration purposes.
- Provide NIA’s facilities to Norwegian scholars for research projects over reasonable periods of time (e.g., the Research Affiliate Program https://www.uib.no/en/nia/155776/research-affiliate-program starting 2023) so as to ensure regular presence at NIA.
Priority Area B Teaching/Education:
- Working out a viable strategy to attract more student courses from UoO, UoB and other interested Norwegian universities by allocating office space and resources (i.e. access to the Nordic Library).
- Advertise NIA via establishing good connection with the study departments, faculties and institutes at UoB , UoO and other interested Norwegian universities.
- Discuss possible Summer Field School initiative with UoB (in collaboration with UoO) for increased visibility so as to lay the ground for future generations of academics to consider NIA as a natural academic resource and a place to be.
Priority Area C Dissemination:
- Use NIAs well-established research network and its role as an international hub to disseminate the work of Norwegian researchers to Greek, Nordic, and the broader community.
- Continue to host and facilitate (income-generating) activities originating from the Norwegian University Sector and third parties and advertise them on our website and social media.
- Continue working with the Nordic and the other Foreign Schools in Greece in order to promote the sense of belonging to a broader academic community serving common goals and exchanging good practice (i.e., the programme NORDICS).
New activities in 2023 reIated to all three priority areas A, B and C
- An updated website and brochure presenting more of the history of the institute, and also future possibilities.
- A regular newsletter from 2023 propagating the activities at NIA and attracting attention, especially among new and younger Norwegian researchers.
- A yearly NIA stipend on Greek archaeology given to early-career Norwegian archaeologists at UoO, UiB or any other Norwegian university so as to serve the core objective of increasing the Norwegian presence in Greece, produce future excavators and researchers and foster further collaboration between the Greek and the Norwegian academic milieu.