Fakultet for naturvitenskap og teknologi


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Explanation and appeal about a grade at The Faculty Science and Technology

After completing an exam and receiving a grade you can ask for an explanation of the result. You can also appeal the grade or appeal if you believe formal errors have occurred during the examination.



Explanation of grade

You are entitled to an explanation of the final grade you have been given (see §9-7 of the University of Bergen’s Academic Regulations). In case of an oral exam, the request for an explantion must be put forward immediately. For written exams, the request must be put forward within one (1) week after the grade is announced on Studentweb. You ask for an explanation in Studentweb, and you also see the explanation there.

The explanation should normally be available within two weeks after your request. In it the examiner(s) are to outline the general principles that the grade is based on. The explanation can be given written or orally, after the examiner’s choice.


Appeal about a grade

You are entitled to appeal the final grade (see §9-7 of the University of Bergen’s Academic Regulations). You do this on Studentweb. The deadline to appeal is three (3) weeks after the result was announced or when you received an explanation of your grade if such is requested.

After submitted your appeal yor exam answer will be reassessed by a new committee of at least two examiners, one of whom is external. In agreement with Norwegian law, the new committee will not receive any information about the first grade, the explanation for it or your reason for appealing. 

The grade may remain unchanged after the reassessment, or it may change to a higher or a lower grade. You are not entitled to appeal the reassessment grade. It is not possible to appeal about the grade of an oral exam (see § 5-3 (5) the Universities and Colleges Act).

Processing and timeframe

Processing of the appeal starts after the deadline to appeal has passed. Usually the Department collect all complaints before they starts processing.  Due to the the large number of appeals recieved by the appeal committees each semester, and because this often coincides with holidays at the end of the semester, processing time can range from 12 to 14 weeks. Thus the appeal may not be finalized in time for early exams.

When your appeal is processed, you will be notified by e-mail that the result is available to you on Studentweb. Note that this email may be in Norwegian and is titled “Svar på klage på karakterfastsetting”.

Procedural Error

If you believe one or several errors of procedure have taken place during the course of the exam, you may appeal about the grade on grounds of procedural error.
This may be situations such as error(s) in the exam papers, conditions in the exam premises or issues with exam registrations. Appeals on procedural errors may be put forward in any methods of examination.

The appeal  is sent by e-mail to the Faculty of sciences at post@mnfa.uib.no.

The appeal must be sent within three (3) weeks after you became aware of the circumstances that your appeal is based on.