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News | Research

UiB-researchers selected as "Visionaries of the Quarter" for European Vision Institute

Meg Veruki and Espen Hartveit from the Department of Biomedicine at UiB have been selected as "Visionaries of the Quarter" by the European Vision Institute for the summer of 2021.

Espen Hartveit/Margaret Veruki


Veruki and Hartveit lead the research group for Retinal Microcircuits (communication between nerve cells in the retina) at the Department of Biomedicine, UiB. 

Each quarter, the European Vision Institute selects leading researchers in visual research and promotes their research on their website. Margaret Veruki has both been selected a one of the “excellent women in European vision research” for 2021, and highlighted as "Visionary of the Quarter" together with Hartveit. 

– In the past decade it has become very clear that there are changes at the level of neurons and microcircuits in the retina that occur very early in diseases of vision, so it has become important to understand, at the cellular and molecular level, how these circuits operate in normal healthy retina, explains Veruki. 

The ultimate goal would be to maintain and even restore the function of these neurons and microcircuits while treating visual disorders.  

– To be recognised as a basic science research group that has contributed to the building up of this shared knowledge and expertise in how retinal microcircuits work is a great honor. More knowledge at the basic research level is of course needed and we will continue to work on these and related circuits, says Veruki. 

A few years ago, the research group collaborated with VilVite to implement an exhibition which allows people of all ages to explore how the retina works. Read more by clicking the link below: 
