Successful PhD defense by Kui Xiang
PhD candidate Kui Xiang successfully defended his thesis entitled 'Scattering approaches to modelling and inversion of acoustic and elastic waveform data' on 16 November.
![Collage of Kui's PhD defense](×tamp=1700642831)
On the 16th of November Ph.D. candidate Kui Xiang successfully completed the defense of his Ph.D. thesis entitled "Scattering approaches to modeling and inversion of acoustic and elastic waveform data". The defense was thoughtfully evaluated by a distinguished panel, including professor Martin Landrø from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and assistant professor Katrin Löer from the Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. The committee further comprised professor Rolf Mjelde from the Department of geosciences, University of Bergen, with associate Professor Henk Keers assuming the role of the defense leader. The supervisors, professor Morten Jakobsen, Department of Geosciences, UiB (main supervisor), researcher Geir Nævdal and researcher Kjersti Solberg Eikrem, both from NORCE, also attended. The defense was further attended by a number of Ph.D. and master students, both from and outside UiB. We thank Kui for the thought-provoking presentation and would like to use this occasion to congratulate him, and his supervisors, on this accomplishment once again. We also wish him best of luck with his further career.