Masterprosjektene i gardinmenyen under har vært gitt fra veiledere tilsatt ved Institutt for geovitenskap i faggruppen Geofysikk. Finner du et interessant prosjekt? Ta kontakt med en av de opplistede veilederne i prosjektet, eller spør studieadministrasjonen om informasjon.
Avsluttande eksamen 2026
Student | Prosjekttittel | Hovedveileder |
Ole Åsgard | Machine Learning and Full Waveform Inversion | Henk Keers |
Amalie Sandsmark | Machine Learning and Modeling Techniques for Regional Seismology - An Application to Southern Europe | Henk Keers |
Helene Monsen | Seismic Monitoring of CO2 Storage | Henk Keers |
Sarah Hartmann | Henk Keers |
Avsluttande eksamen 2025
Avsluttande eksamen 2024
Student | Prosjekttittel | Veileder |
Stine Grindheim | Fracture characterization and monitoring of underground CO2 storage | Henk Keers |
Ole Skår Jøsok | Seabed Exploration for Massive Sulfide Deposits using Self-Potential data | Henk Keers |
Alisher Khodjaev | Fast integral equation methods for seismic wavefield modelling in complex media | Morten Jakobsen |
Alette Kleven | Magma chamber dynamics and deformation of the Grimsvötn volcano (Iceland) | Henk Keers |
Julia Henriksen Krogh | Global Seismic Tomography | Henk Keers |
Håvard Sørland Monstad | Jordskjelv og massebevegelse i Nærøydalen | Mathilde Sørensen |
Laura Nøjgaard | Global Seismic Tomography | Henk Keers |
Thor Robert Parmentier | The development and propagation of liquid water content in the snowpack of various snow types | Mathilde Sørensen |
Avsluttande eksamen 2023
Student | Prosjekttittel | Veileder |
Torstein Eide | Rock physics based seismic modelling | Morten Jakobsen |
Oda Kleveland | Monitoring of CO2 storage using stochastic inversion | Henk Keers |
Kristina Vidstein | Monitoring of CO2 using advanced seismic techniques | Henk Keers |
Camilla Wikum | Monitoring of underground CO2 storage and possible leakage | Henk Keers |
Julie Svendsmark | Effects of near-surface thawing of frozen surface sediments on the signatures of seismic surface waves | Tor Arne Johansen |
Avsluttende eksamen 2022
Avsluttende eksamen 2021
Student | Prosjekttittel | Veileder |
Kristoffer Galtung | Waveform Modeling for Ocean Acoustics | Henk Keers |
Sondre Kåstad | Seismisk monitorering av CO2-deponering på Sleipner-feltet | Tor Arne Johansen |
Halcyon Schepel | Seismisk monitorering av CO2-deponering på Sleipner-feltet | Tor Arne Johansen |
Vegard Solheim | Seismisk monitorering av CO2-deponering på Sleipner-feltet | Tor Arne Johansen |
Linea Ågesen | Prosessering og tolkning av SVALEX-seismikk | Rolf Mjelde |
Glenn Jensen | Seismiske signaturer av geotermiske reservoarer | Tor Arne Johansen |
Avsluttende eksamen 2020
Synne Skaara: “Processing and interpretation of MCS data from Isfjorden”
Peter Makus: "A global set of S receiver functions to investigate mantle discontinuities beneath continents"
Geir Wågen:
Avsluttende eksamen 2019
Andrei Ouglov: “Processing of MCS data from Isfjorden”
Audun Hitland: “Estimation of Landscape History Using Multiple In Situ Cosmogenic Isotopes; Quantification of Erosion Rates in Rendalssølen in Norway”
Helga Kristine Sandve Indrøy: “Comparison of a Classical PSHA and a Rupture Forecast for California”
Karina Løviknes: “Measuring seismic station timing errors from ambient noise”
Kristina Smirnova: “Potential Seismogenic Faults in Norway”
Marianne Jåsund: “Simulation of seismic attributes for earth models with different continuity properties”
Regine Johansen: “Characterization of a Geothermal Field Using Multiscale Travel Time Tomography – Study of the Miravalles Geothermal Field in Costa Rica”
Robin André Rørstadbotnen: “Relocating Earthquakes using Seismic Networks on Small Islands: Case Studies from Heimaey (Iceland) and Jan Mayen (Norway)”
Siri Catherine Vassvåg: “Modelling temporal changes in the gravity field in the Nankai Trough Subduction Zone, Japan”
Thomas de Jonge: “AVO Inversion Using Data Assimilation”
Torbjørn Sletten Haga: “Jordskjelv som utløser massebevegelser i Norge og stabilitetsanalyse av Preikestolen med seismisk last”
Avsluttende eksamen i 2018
Anja Tveit: “Non-linear AVO Inversion”
Anette Ellingsen: “Seismicity and Crustal Structure in North Greenland”
Lucas Sawade: “Global common conversion point stacking and its applications”
Avsluttende eksamen i 2017
Anne Drottning: “Inversion of teleseismic polarization data for crustal velocities in Norway”
Brede Hauge: “Processing and interpretation of MCS data from Isfjorden and Van Mijenfjorden”
Idunn Engås: “Interpretation of MCS data from Isfjorden”
Ildus Islamgulov: “Frequency Selection Strategies for Full Waveform Inversion”
Maren Kjos Veim: “The Cascadia Subduction zone: Kinky or not? An Implementation of a 2D Background Velocity Model in Teleseismic Scattered-wave Inversion”
Mari Farestveit: “Anisotropic Properties of a Mid-Lithospheric Discontinuity in Eastern North America”
Marie Eide Lien: “Analysis of Magma Chamber Activity at Yellowstone from 2010 to 2017”
Marthe Fenne Vestly: “Submarine landslides in Norway”
Norunn Tjåland: “Double-Difference Relocation and Empirical Green Function Analysis of Storfjorden Earthquakes”
Avsluttende eksamen i 2016
Annie Elisabeth Jerkins: “Seismic Modeling for Geothermal Reservoir Characterization”
Hossain Mahmood Khan: “Processing of earthquake data and probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in Bangladesh”
Kristoffer Igland: “Spatio-temporal evolution of earthquake swarms in the Nordland area of Norway”
Marte Mossige: “Processing and interpretation of MCS data from Isfjorden and Van Mijenfjorden”
Avsluttende eksamen i 2015
Anders Haaland: “Processing and interpretation of MCS data from Isfjorden and Van Mijenfjorden”
Eric Willgohs Knudsen: “Processing and interpretation of MCS data from Isfjorden and Van Mijenfjorden”
Krister Moberg: “Seismic hazard of the Izmir region, Turkey, based on a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment and stochastic ground motion simulations”
Martine Johnsen: “Seismic hazard in Norway due to large earthquakes”
Sara Rezaei: “Seismo-tectonics of the Alborz Mountains from the analysis of local earthquake data”
Silje Storaker: “Processing and interpretation of MCS data from Isfjorden and Van Mijenfjorden”