NFR FRIPRO Young Researcher Talent project on CCS awarded to PMG
Jakub Both receives funding for four years to investigate convection and dissolution during CO2 storage. For this, he will combine lab experiments, image analysis and numerical modeling.
Jakub Both has been awarded a FRIPRO Young Researcher Talent grant by the Norwegian Research Council for the project titled "TIME4CO2: Unlocking maximal geological CO2 storage through experimentally validated mathematical modeling of dissolution and convective mixing". As highlighted by NFR:
Geologisk CO2-lagring er en viktig komponent i enhver strategi for å begrense klimaendringene. En forsker tidlig i karrieren ved Universitetet i Bergen får 8 millioner kroner for å kombinere laboratorieeksperimenter, bildeanalyser og matematisk modellering for å bringe simuleringsteknologi for CO2-lagring i geologiske reservoarer til et nytt nivå.
In the period mid-2025 until mid-2029, Jakub Both will collaborate with Jan Martin Nordbotten and Martin Fernø to conduct dedicated FluidFlower experiments studying convective mixing in meter-scale complex media, analyzed by our DarSIA image analysis toolbox, to finally improve numerical methodology implemented in our PorePy simulation tool.