Fakultet for naturvitenskap og teknologi

Particles and the Nature of All Things - Horizons lecture by David Kaplan


In the lecture "I will describe what is known about the laws of the nature of matter at the deepest level -- quantum field theory -- and what it 'means' to discover new particles.  I will describe the structure of our current theory of nature, explain briefly the Higgs particle and phenomenon, and describe what sort of breakthroughs in particle physics we are pushing towards in the future." David Kaplan

In addition to being an internationally known theoretical physicist, Kaplan has a starring role in the film "Particle Fever" that appears in Bergen International Film Festival (BIFF) later in the evening. For tickets & program see www.biff.no. Kaplan will also talk about how the film was made and why at BIFF.

Combining the lecture with Particle Fever will not only provide a deep insight into the importance of the Higgs particle (this years Nobel Prize in Physics) but also into the gigantic scientific effort made to detect this particle and what it means for our understanding of the universe we live in.

David Kaplan is professor at Johns Hopkins University. More info on Kaplan: http://physics-astronomy.jhu.edu/directory/david-kaplan/

The event starts with a snack and refreshments in advance of the lecture that begins at 16.15 at Studentsenteret, Egget (Parkveien. 1).

The lecture is open to all. Welcome!

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