Research Group Leader
Professor Wenche A. Helland
The Bergen Logopedic Research Group (B.LOG)
Department of Biological and Medical Psychology
Jonas Liesvei 91
N-5009 Bergen, Norway
+47 55 58 62 32
The Bergen Logopedic Research Group (B.LOG) is a unit at the Department of Biological and Medical Psychology at the University of Bergen. Our research projects focus on developmental and acquired language impairments across the life span. For instance, developmental language disorder (DLD), pragmatic language impairment (PLI), dyslexia and aphasia represent serious challenges for many people as to their educational, vocational and social functions.
Our main aim is to perform research on language using a multifactorial approach, combining symptomatic, neurocognitive, biological and environmental factors. The research covers both basic and clinical aspects to increase our insight and understanding of language impairments and to find sustainable intervention methods.
Our team consists of researchers with a high expertise within logopedics and linguistics. We are in close cooperation with the Bergen fMRI Group.