
Brain Tumor & Microenvironment Research Group

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Brain Cancer

Brain cancer: from concepts to therapies

Our research is focused on the most malignant and frequently occurring primary brain tumor, human glioblastoma.

The Brain Tumor & Microenvironment Research Group is part of the Translational Cancer and Vascular Unit.

Glioblastoma (GBM) are highly invasive tumors, and it is well known that invasive tumor cells are often responsible for recurrent tumors and capable of escaping conventional therapies. Thus, innovative therapies that target invasive tumor cells are urgently needed. In the Miletic lab, we work on projects within basic and translational research aimed toward both gaining a better understanding of invasive mechanisms of GBM and developing experimental therapies.Two major research topics in our lab include:

  1. Identifying molecular mechanisms of invasion within human GBM
  2. Translation of a lentiviral suicide gene therapy into the clinic to treat GBM patients

To achieve these goals, we use a human GBM xenograft model that recapitulates the invasive and angiogenic features of patient tumors. This model has been developed within the Translational Cancer Research lab and is one of the most clinically relevant animal models available. Using this model, we have recently shown that lentiviral vectors delivering a suicide gene can efficiently kill GBM cells and significantly prolong survival. Our group is connected to other research topics within oncology, pathology and neuropathology via a number of collaborations.

Hrvoje Miletic

Principal Investigator: Hrvoje Miletic. Visit his personal page.