Globale samfunnsutfordringer

Kina som leverandør av utvikling i det global sør

Hvilken rolle spiller Kinas finansiering av utvikling?

Port with container ship
Paul Carmona, NSW Ports Authority


Since the millennium, China has emerged as a major provider of development finance and infrastructure development in the Global South. This has been reinforced with the Chinese “Belt and Road” initiative launched in 2013.

It terms of volume China’s contribution is comparable to that provided by the World Bank and the traditional providers of such support.

What difference does China make? Is its provision of such finance different from that coming from other providers? And how does China view and respond to critical issues such as financial sustainability and the challenge of debt?

Xiaoyang Tang
Professor, Tsinghua UniversityChair and Professor, Department of International Relations, Tsinghua University in Beijing and research affiliate for the China-Africa Research Initiative, Johns Hopkins University, Washington D.C.

Esther Song
Associate Professor, UiBEsther Song conducts research on politics and international relations of China, international affairs in the Asia-Pacific, and authoritarianism with regional focus on countries in East Asia.

Aslak Orre
Senior Researcher, CMIPolitical scientist whose competence areas include local government reform, corruption and anti-corruption as well as parties and opposition in Africa.

Elling N. Tjønneland
Senior Researcher, CMIPolitical scientist focusing on development and development assistance, rising powers and African development and a strong emphasis on South Africa and Southern Africa.