Sociologists study relations between humans in small and large social communities, between individuals, groups and organisations at the local, national and global level. Sociologists main concern is to explain and analyse how people are shaped by society, withtout failing to acknowledge that individuals also carry the potential to influence it.
The department of Sociology offer a broad array of research fields. In addition to a general introduction to classical and contemporary sociology and its methods, we offer courses from the research areas of welfare, inequality and lifecourse, migration, integration and mobility and work, knowledge, economy and education.
The application deadline is the 15 of april. You apply through "samordna opptak" for the bachelorprogamme and the year study, and for the masterprogramme you apply through "søknadsweb". Questions regarding this can be directed to the student counselor: studieveileder.sos@uib.no
Open Positions
- PhD Research Fellow in Fast Aerodynamic Models for Offshore Wind Farms by Using Machine Learning
- Researcher 1109 within Data-Driven Aerohydroelastic Analysis of Offshore Wind Turbines
- PhD Research Fellow in Algorithms
- PhD Research Fellow in Applied and Computational Mathematics
- Researcher Position in User Modelling, Personalisation and Engagement at MediaFutures