Research Profile
The Department of Sociology has a long tradition of empirically based research on various societal problem areas, with special emphasis on issues related to social inequality.

Main content
The research at the Department of Sociology is concentrated on three thematic areas.
The thematic areas each refer to a cluster of societal challeneges. However, several major cross-cutting themes intersect these areas, and express common problem orientations at the department. These include the themes of gender, power and inequality, which have long research traditions at the department, and more recently include institutional change, globalization, life course, and modernization.
Across the thematic areas, research is characterized by a range of research methods united by a common ambition to combine general theory and method development with the production of new knowledge about the society we live in.
Based on these principles, research at the department is divided into three profile groups each corresponding to a thematic area:
- Welfare, Inequality and Life Course
- Migration, Environment and Development
- Work, Knowledge, Economy and Education
Several of the department's researchers are also active in the interdisciplinary research unit:
IMER/UiB (International Migration and Ethnic Relations).