Senter for klima og energiomstilling (CET)

Nytt PhD-kurs: Urban Transformations

Håvard Haarstad er medarrangør for et nytt PhD-kurs på "Urban Transformations" som skal holdes ved Universitetet i Oslo i høst.

City scape
Karin Lillevold


Håvard Haarstad er medarrangør for et nytt PhD-kurs med tittel "Urban Transformations" som skal holdes ved Universitetet i Oslo i høst. Målet for kurset er hvordan vi kan forstå og konseptualisere pågående urbane transformasjoner? I tilegg til Haarstad og Per Gunnar Røe (Universitetet i Oslo), tilbyr kurset seminarer med de velkjente urbane teoretikerne Kevin Ward (University of Manchester) og Jane Jacobs (National University of Singapore).

Kurset finner sted 27.-30. November, 2017.

Påmeldingsfristen er 27.oktober 2017. Oppdatert og mer utfyllende informasjon finner du her: http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/iss/SGO9205/

Kursbeksrivelsen er som følger:

How can we understand and conceptualize ongoing urban transformations? Social theory appears to have rediscovered the city as the key site for exploring the critical challenges of our time – climate change, migration, energy transitions, technological innovation, inequality and more. Cities allow for, both an examination of how those abstract challenges are enacted, practiced and lived on the ground, and for spaces to intervene in them through living labs, experimentation, and other context-sensitive activities. Social theory has attempted to grasp the complexity and spatiality of urban change by drawing on policy mobility literatures, assemblage theory, political ecology, socio-technical transitions perspectives and others, which attribute urban change to the human and the non-human, and to urban actors as well as to transurban relations.

In this course we seek to advance understanding of the nature and dynamics of transformative change in contemporary urban settings. It will draw on and explore a variety of theoretical and empirical approaches relevant to this theme. The course combines lectures and discussions based on paper presentations by course participants.