Information for new employees
Welcome to AHKR! This webpage aims to provide you with information that may be useful for new members of staff.

Main content
We would like to give you a warm welcome to the Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion (AHKR), and provide you with some helpful information. We would also like to refer to UiB’s employee pages for general information regarding your employment.
Department management
A presentation of the department management can be found here.
Discipline coordinators
The Head of Department appoints an academic coordinator for each discipline (archaeology, history, cultural studies and religion), to keep in contact with the staff and act as a spokesperson for his or her discipline.
An overview of administrative members of staff and their responsibilities.
User account and access to IT-systems
At the Department reception in room 126 on the first floor in Øysteinsgate 3, you will be given a key to your office as well as a key card for the main entrances. The key card also functions as a library card at the University Library, and as an access card to the pullprint system (printing and copying facilities). Reception can also be contacted regarding questions of maintenance, by telephone number 55 58 23 00, or e-mail
Reception can also assist in creating a user account and e-mail address at the Department, if this has not been done before your arrival. All employees must have user accounts in order to avail themselves of UiB’s IT-systems. The user account gives you access to internet, e-mail, storage, printing facilities, personal websites, and several other IT services.
If in need of support regarding IT, please contact the IT department's service desk for employees BRITA by telephone (555) 84700 or online at UiB-hjelp.
Salaries are paid on the 12th of each month, if your contract begins on the 1st, your salary will be disbursed the same month.
Absence due to illness
If you are off sick (due to your own sickness or that of children in your care) you must notify Reception (tel. 55 58 23 00 / e-mail as soon as possible. When you are back at work, the sick days must be registered in the Self-service portal. Employees may register self-certified sick days after a period of 2 months employment.
UiB is an inclusive workplace (IW), allowing employees 24 self-certified sick days within a one-month period. Up to eight consecutive sick days can be self-certified, after this you must have a doctor’s certificate for documentation. The sick leave is submitted electronically to the employer under "Your sick leave" on You must apply to NAV for sickness benefit yourself when the sick leave period is over. You will then receive a notification from NAV when you submit your application. The application contains a declaration from you about any activities during the sick leave.
Employees have the right of ten days off with pay per year in order to take care of sick children under the age of 12 (fifteen days if you care for three or more children).
Holidays/Annual leave
All employees at UiB must apply for annual holidays via the Self-service portal, where you can also keep track of your leave days.
AHKR staff must as a rule take their annual leave between 16 June and 11 August, and must apply for this before 1 May. All contractual holidays should, under normal circumstances, be taken before the end of the year. If you wish to take any remaining leave days outside the main holiday period, you must discuss this with the Head of Department well ahead of applying in the Self-service portal. Any transfer or advancement of leave days from one year to another must also be applied for in the Self-service portal.
UiB employees are entitled to five weeks contractual holidays (25 working days), a further week is granted from the age of 60 and on. Employee and employer are both responsible for ensuring that the contractual leave is fulfilled.
Employees who have worked for only parts of the year or in part-time positions the previous year are also entitled to full annual leave, but unpaid for those days that exceed their accrued fully paid leave. If the employment is terminated, holiday pay must be disbursed if the employee is unable to take his or her accrued leave before the last working day. When the employment has a set termination date (temporary positions or retirement) remaining leave days are normally not transferred to the last year. Please contact higher executive officer Anna Lisa Arefjord if you have questions regarding contractual leave.
Leave of absence
If you wish to apply for leave of absence, this must be done through the Self-service portal in due time. Higher executive officer Anna Lisa Arefjord can be contacted about any questions regarding leave of absence (such as maternity/paternity leave, kindergarten adjustment leave, moving day leave etc.) Leave of absence for other reasons than those listed in the Self-service portal must be agreed upon with the department management.
Any research activities that require absence from the workplace must be planned so as not to coincide with the start of the semester (week 2 or 33) or the exam period.
Notification of absence
Please leave a message on your office telephone answering service during any planned absences such as leave, travel etc. (see user manual), as well as an out-of-office auto reply on your e-mail service, stating the date of your return.
Health, safety and environment
Arne Solli is the main HSE representative at the department, Grethe Bruvoll is deputy representative. More information on health, safety and environment can be found here: Helse-Miljø-Sikkerhet ved AHKR
If you have any particular ergonomic needs with regard to your workplace, please contact Head of administration Britt Kristin Holsen.
Internal incentives
At AHKR an internal arrangement exists granting financial incentives for the tutoring of finished Master and PhD degrees, as well as for publication points. Every fiscal year, incentives are granted for the previous year’s degrees, while incentives for publication are granted for registered points two years previously. PhD-students may apply for an advancement of publication point incentives.
See Instituttinterne insentivmidler for more information.
Other funding
An overview of other funding available from the Department can be found here. PhD-students may find relevant information under the tab ‘For PhD-students’.
Academic staff in permanent positions may also apply for travel stipends and funding for sabbatical leave from the Meltzer Research Fund:
Purchasing routines
Any needs that are to be covered by the Department’s funds must be put forward to the Head of administration. Purchases and orders covered by various UiB funds must be carried out via the Department reception (55582300 / This also applies to books, excepting foreign literature that can be ordered through Amazon or similar, as well as literature bought in antiquarian bookshops. In such cases expenses will be reimbursed at a later stage. The purchase of literature for teaching purposes must be discussed with the discipline coordinator and carried out through the Department.
Mailing lists
All members of staff are on at least two e-mailing lists: as well as a mailing list pertaining to your discipline (archaeology, history, cultural studies or religion). PhD-students are also on the mailing list
Profile pages on
All employees have their own profile page on UiB’s website which functions as a digital business card. These pages rank high on web searches, and your colleagues, external users and the media will use your profile page to get in touch with you. Consequently, it is important that you update your page with a profile picture and information on your discipline, publications and research projects. Information on how to do this can be found here: Personal page. If you need to have your photograph taken, please contact Marit Matthiessen.
Post and supplies
All members of staff have their own pigeonhole in the mail room (1st floor in Øysteinsgate 3). Supplies are also stored here, if you require any other supplies please ask at reception.
Coffee cards
Cards for the coffee machine can be purchased in the reception. Coffee/cocoa costs 3 NOK per cup, and the machine is located in the kitchen on the 1st floor in Øysteinsgate 1.
All maintenance issues are preferably reported directly to the janitor service through this web page:
Security can be reached on tel. 55 58 80 81 outside office hours.
PhD programme administrative coordinator
Magnus Halsnes can be contacted if you have questions of administrative nature regarding doctoral training and PhD positions.
PhD coordinator
In addition to the various discipline coordinators, Kirsi Salonen acts as a PhD coordinator at the department.
The academic year
The main rule is that internally funded PhD-students serve one year of mandatory duty (teaching and/or research administration) at the department. A schedule for this year is laid in cooperation with your tutor and the discipline coordinator during your first semester at the department. The schedule must be approved by the department’s research coordinator.
Absence and extension
All lawful absence can serve as grounds for an extension of the PhD fellowship period. Single days or longer periods of documented lawful absence such as sick leave, self-certified sick days (including days off to care for sick children) or granted leave of absence are added to the total fellowship period.
PhD-students can apply for a delayed finish date for their fellowship period, based on sick leave or any granted leaves of absence. This application is sent by e-mail to higher executive officer Anna Lisa Arefjord. If a PhD-student has had several or any longer periods of absence, he or she is advised to apply for a delayed finish date on a yearly basis.
Research funds
PhD-students are granted annual research funds in order to work on their thesis. This sum amounts to 24 000 NOK per year for three years, in total 72 000 NOK. The funds can be transferred from one year to another, and can be used for research related purposes such as travels, conferences, literature, digital equipment and software, etc. All purchases must be handled through the department, see more information below.
Travel funds and project grants
The department operates a funding scheme in order to give PhD-students and postdoctoral fellows the opportunity for longer stays abroad doing fieldwork or collecting data for their research projects. Deadlines for application are 15 March and 1 September, more information can be found here:
Phd-students can also apply for project grants from the Meltzer Research Fund. Information on application and criteria can be found here: ‘Project Grant or students and PhD’
Information online
More information regarding the PhD-programme can be found here: