Arts and Gardens

Attire as Art

It does not often happen that state employees get workwear of artistic quality. But this is Ida Falck Øien’s (b. 1979) contribution to the Odontology building.

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She has created a collection of smocks, pants and coats, with variations on the university and clinic logos. There is something new in these clothes, pictures and quotes that humorously comment on dental care and oral hygiene.

The attire is in light, warm colours, on a scale inspired by a dental colour wheel. The project creates a sense of identity and community in a breezy, playful manner.

For information about Ida Falck Øien, see http://www.idafalck.com/ and www.haikwithus.com.

The project is produced and funded by KORO. http://www.koro.no/en/